Thursday, 8 February 2024

Geography Will Finally Put America and Other Nations in Their Proper Place

 06.02.2024 Author: Phil Butler

Geography Will Finally Put America and Other Nations in Their Proper Place

Russia and India are moving forward, exploring the adoption of a native BRICS currency. The move has garnered keen interest from Western interest, but so far, no key media has reported. A story in Middle East Economy a few days ago tells us Russia and India have joined forces to expand the influence of the BRICS alliance through digital economy initiatives. For the Western alliance, Russia/India dealings are really only the tip of a humongous iceberg. Some experts say and isolated America is right around the corner.

The BRICS Current

First, news comes after the Smart Cities India Expo in New Delhi. Russia attended for the first time with Sergey Cheremin, Minister of the Moscow City Government and Chairman of the Board of the Business Council for Cooperation with India, giving an address at the expo opening. Cheremin keyed on initiatives where Russia and India could cooperate to lead in several sectors. The digital economy, particularly an offshoot of Bitcoin, was discussed later in the proceedings. This quote from the Russian minister’s initial address frames this:

“One of the most promising areas of our cooperation is undoubtedly information technology and the digital economy. India and Russia are striving to become leaders in this field, and joining forces can create a synergistic effect.” 

TV BRICS report also informs us of far deeper cooperation between the two countries. According to that report on the New Delhi expo, issues about intensifying bilateral cooperation, particularly urban development, were also discussed. The things being considered include urban planning, applying digital technologies in urban management, education, healthcare, and partnering for renovation and housing.

As for Western reporting on the expanding cooperation between Russia and India, the topic of choice is the potential for India to cut back on Russian arms deals. Whether or not the Modi government will shift slightly toward Western suppliers or not is a minor point. What is significant is the double standard Western leadership maintains. If Russia joins in security with another nation, it’s some kind of strongarm tactic, but if the US, UK, or France do so, it’s just good business. The greatest fear in Washington is that the new BRICS alignments will bring India and China closer together. These experts need to rethink their geography, costs, and logistics.

The most recent RIAC and Synergia Foundation Report reveals the reality of the current situation. Of particular importance is the section of the report on regional priorities. The geography of international trade, cooperation, and détente is ever more important despite the global nature of the emerging multipolarism. The following passage from the RIAC report hints at where the nations of Eurasia are headed with regard to overcoming historical obstacles.

“…nations of the shared continent must invest more into regional cooperation, focus on specific projects, as well as embrace both state and non-state participants (private-public partnerships), allowing for maximum flexibility and localization.”

The report suggests several ideal targets where Russia, India, and other regional nations might cooperate, including the Arctic, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Where trade cooperation and joint technology programs are concerned, in the future Russia and India will be steadfast partners in mutual sustainable growth. Already, trade between India and Russia has reached record levels that surpass the targets for 2025. This will accelerate, as will India’s reliance on Russian (and Iranian) energy supply.

The Undeniable Geography

Another key takeaway from this RIAC report cements my thesis that these BRICS and the whole Eurasian area will abandon most trade with the United States sooner or later. For Americans, this may not be an altogether negative thing. The U.S. is an island, more or less a great distance from many of its markets and suppliers.

The future effect of the BRICS alignment and Eurasian cohesion will certainly be some level of isolationism for all of North America. Perhaps Americans will start to make things again? And since it’s clear anybody can make a hamburger patty, U.S. products will, by necessity, be high-tech, durable, and innovative. When ships become obsolete for transporting all but the most vital cargo, the advanced rail systems China is building will be better appreciated. Already, 20-40% of the cost of grain is from the cost of transporting it. And the farther away the source market is, the higher the cost. That’s fodder for another report. The following excerpt from the aforementioned report confirms that India is headed into the Russia and Iran orbits out of necessity and a certainty.

“While Washington was forced to be somewhat flexible concerning Russia and India’s military-technical cooperation, America’s harsh sanctions imposed on Iran’s oil and gas sector presented obstacles to India’s multidirectional foreign policy. Evidently, India will not stand with the US in its approach to Tehran or Moscow and will avoid complying with US sanctions whenever possible.”

I have not even factored in key issues such as food security in this report. This is also a subject for another discourse. The takeaway from my report is that Western media posturing about relatively insignificant arms dealings is simply desperation surfacing. One way of gauging how fearful the West has become under Joe Biden’s leadership is to track where Secretary of State Blinken flies to right after a deal with Russia or China is struck. The Biden administration’s international policy has been a bandaid patch-up job from Ukraine to Gaza. Another indicator is the way the Western media and the think tanks react to the inevitable. This Financial Times narrative acknowledges the coming isolationism but vilifies Donald Trump and the Republicans as the harbingers of it. “The return of American isolationism” aims to strike fear into the hearts of those considering voting for the besieged Trump. According to writer Edward Luce, the solution is for Joe Biden to somehow send more billions to Zelensky in Ukraine. Yes, that’s sure to solidify America’s position as world hegemon. Force Putin to finally crush Ukraine into ashes, and the old NATO bunch will circle their wagons. Genius, it is. Pure genius. One big problem is that Poland cannot produce enough grain to feed all of Europe.

It’s a sad reality, that all the United States can accomplish anymore is to print more money and incur debt for its dilapidated efforts at détente. This is unarguable. The concept of projected power that U.S. initiatives have depended on is quickly evaporating as the fracked oil American companies dredge out of dried-up oil wells. In the end, it’s all a geography lesson. Look forward two decades to a time when the Atlantic and the Pacific again become huge barriers to trade and relations. And as for Europe, that continent will only survive with nearby energy and food resources.


Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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