An Unfortunate Attack on Free, Responsible Journalism
by Walt Zlotow
John Hewko’s Chicago Tribune op-ed “With Vladimir Putin interview, Tucker Carlson Proves To Be the Walter Duranty of Our Time” is an unfortunate attack on free, responsible journalism.
Those of us in the peace community welcomed Tucker Carlson’s lengthy interview with Russian President Putin. It was a greatly needed counterpoint to US coverage of the Russo-Ukraine war which prohibits any information which might crack open America’s one sided war narrative. All concerned with the endless war destroying Ukraine and US dominance in Europe along with it, would benefit from obtaining the Russian perspective.
But rather than let viewers decide, Hewko offers a thousand word attack that likens Putin to Stalin and Carlson to a 14 year long New York Times Moscow Bureau Chief who Hewko claims was a Stalin propagandist 88 years ago. Both characterizations are primarily designed to stifle any discussion which might inform the public, the preeminent role of any journalist and the Chicago Tribune as well.
Hewko may have provided one benefit from his effort to snuff out any alternative view on the war. It might inspire concerned readers to view the 2 hour interview online and judge for themselves.
Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at
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