This Prank Call of the American-Ukrainian Tranny Leader Is Frigging Nuts
Last week, Vovan & Lexus, a Russian comedy duo, called up the Ukraine’s American tranny spokesman Sarah Ashton-Cirillo and got him to say some nutty shit. It’s the best call they’ve made.
They called up (I believe it was Lexus talking) and claimed to be Petro Poroshenko, the former president of the Ukraine. He says he has a gay son who needs advice on how to become a tranny. “Sarah” gives a whole outline of tranny facilities in the Ukraine, and the role of trannies in the military.
Then they asked it about Russians being “mongoloids,” and without missing a beat, this tranny Sarah went into this entire neo-Nazi spiel about the Russians being subhuman Asians. It’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
He says:
Sir, you have a European Party, and the Russians are not European. As Mr. Danilov was clear to say Russians have a different culture Russians are Asian. And ultimately, they do come from the Mongols.
They do come from a grouping of people who are wanting to be slaves and want to be led.
I will say that what’s happening in the Kremlin and what’s happening to every Russian that supports a lot of Putin’s decisions are not human. These people are not human. They are enemies of humanity.
For well over a year, we’ve been asking our Western partners … to make certain that they understood the threat of these non-humans and they didn’t want to understand it.
This is basic Azov doctrine. They are a neo-Nazi cult set up by the CIA, and they have a sort of retard-tier bastardized racial ideology in the vein of Madison Grant’s work, but which would make Madison Grant puke. Russians have an IQ on the level of Scandinavians – the highest white IQ. “Ukrainians” (that is, the people in the territory of the Ukraine who speak the “Ukraine language,” which is a creole of Russian and Polish) are at least 10 and maybe as many as 15 IQ points lower than Russians. Because they speak this bastardized peasant language, they bred with one another over a period of centuries, while anyone with any kind of intelligence learned Russian so they could participate in normal society and marry into normal society in Russia (at the time, the Ukraine was a part of Russia).
It’s maybe weird to some people that the US supports this kind of doctrine, but it’s not actually weird. They support Wahhabists in the Islamic world (ISIS types), they support Evangelical cults in China and other parts of Asia. They will support whoever they can form a fifth column out of. They always support homosexuals.
What is so nuts is to have a tranny neo-Nazi. They will just make hybrids of these various groups of hateful people in order to destroy societies.
There is actually a lot of cross-over between neo-Nazism and trannies, presumably because they are both extreme anti-social identities. In America, Matt Heimbach’s “Traditionalist Worker Party” (now reformed as the National Justice Party after Heimbach became an Antifa) had a satanic tranny in a top position, and Atomwaffen, a satanist neo-Nazi group, had a Mexican tranny that the whole group was involved with sexually.
This tranny Sarah is the American face of the Ukraine war. He was hired, I assume somewhat cynically, because the Ukraine is concerned about maintaining support in the West, and the West loves trannies. The fact that he is also talking about “Mongoloid sub-humans” might maybe not be something that other trannies like? I don’t really know. Maybe trannies are usually involved in retarded versions of scientific racism.
I don’t think the American media/government, generally, is in support of scientific racism. But that’s the point: they will just support whatever.
America is run by the Jews. They do not have any obligation to be consistent. That’s why they create all of these different ideologies. When you have all these different ideologies you can point to, nothing ever has to make any sense. There is an entire list of ideologies, which are generally internally consistent, and you can just mix and match from them without any consistency.
In reality, we should simply be able to have policies that are logical and reasonable, and which lead to the best outcomes for everyone. But we have a ruling elite of Jews who do not want the best outcome for anyone other than themselves, so they will just say whatever. They will baffle you.
Conservatives see stuff like “US-State Department backed neo-Nazi tranny,” and they freak out, trying to explain how this is inconsistent. Jews just laugh at them. They are not trying to be consistent with their bullshit. If you prove they are not consistent, it does not wound them.
Yet conservatives believe they can “own the libs” by proving that they are hypocrites. They keep doing this as if it is accomplishing something. If you point out that nothing is being accomplished, they become confused, and start talking about how many times they proved Joe Biden is senile and his son smokes crack.
In the prank call, the tranny Ashton-Cirillo also refers to the Western media, including CNN, as “our Western partners.” He repeated the claim that he wants to kill more journalists, and that “it is not free speech” to not support the war. He said “there is no one on earth who should be off-limits” in terms of assassinations.
The tranny Sarah was recently fired from the spokesman job by the Ukraine government after he made a video talking about how the Ukraine was going to assassinate a bunch more foreign journalists because, according to him, it’s a war crime to be against the war.
He’s still working for the Ukraine government in some capacity, or for the military or whatever. He is the most recognizable face, aside from Zelensky. It’s unlikely he was told not to threaten to murder foreign journalists, and the Ukraine got pressure from the US to tone things down.
He says in the video that he was fired and then rehired and the Ukraine said they support him and a US politician said he was cleared to make these threats, but then was fired again. He says that the order to fire him came from the Americans.
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