Saturday 16 September 2023

Zelensky to Visit Washington Next Week as Congress Debates New Ukraine Spending


The White House has asked for an additional $24 billion in spending on the proxy war

by Dave DeCamp 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Washington next week as Congress debates the $24 billion in additional spending on the proxy war in Ukraine that the White House has requested.

The visit hasn’t been officially announced but has been reported by several media outlets, including The Associated Press. Zelensky will stop in the American capital as part of his trip to the US during the UN General Assembly.

Sources told AP that Zelensky will meet President Biden at the White House next Thursday and will also visit Capitol Hill. When he last made the trip in December 2022, Zelensky thanked Congress for all the support but said it wasn’t “enough.”

Zelensky’s next visit comes as support for the proxy war in Ukraine falters among Republican voters. According to a recent poll from CNN55% of Americans oppose Congress authorizing more spending on the conflict, including 71% of Republicans who were asked.

The majority of Republicans in Congress still favor fueling the war, but there is a loud minority in the House, mainly members of the Freedom Caucus, that could make getting the funds authorized a headache for the White House.

The White House has asked for the $24 billion in Ukraine spending as part of a $40 billion bill that includes disaster relief and money for border security.

According to a report from Punchbowl News, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is considering attaching the disaster money to a continuing resolution, separating it from the Ukraine spending. The report said he also wants changes to border policy and an increase in overall border security money in return for the additional Ukraine aid.


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