Thursday 14 September 2023

Threats, Insults, And Kremlin ‘Robots’: How The BBC Lies That Russian Diplomacy Died Under Putin


Declan Hayes
September 12, 2023
© Photo: Public domain

As NATO’s BBC hacks can argue neither the facts nor the circumstances, they are left to calling their betters’ names.

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Evil Russian baby kidnapper Vladimir Putin has, along with his killer squids, dispensed with diplomacy in his quest for world domination. Gone are the halcyon days when Russian diplomats would listen to the wise words of such Western sages as Victoria Nuland, Kamala Harris and Liz Truss (ex British PM, for those of you with the goldfish memory of a BBC journalist). Now we have a new Cold War where Putin puppet Lavrov and that awful Maria Zakharova woman do Putin’s bidding.

Zakharova is a particularly bitter pill to swallow as “before her, diplomats behaved like diplomats, speaking in refined expressions…. but with Ms Zakharova’s arrival, foreign ministry briefings became a spectacle. Ms Zakharova often yelled at reporters who asked her difficult questions and responded to criticism from other countries with insults”.

So recently ran the main story of NATO’s BBC website. I get that, as NATO’s BBC hacks can argue neither the facts nor the circumstances, they are left to calling their betters’ names but Victoria Nuland is a brain-dead thug, Liz Truss was an international embarrassment before Taiwan stupidly adopted her and Karine St Jeanne Pierre, Yankeeland’s Zakharova equivalent, is so incapable of answering any question that it must be part of her job description to be a complete and utter moron.

CIA nemesis Zakharova, in contrast, seems very capable and, if her professionally competent style mirrors those of her Chinese and Vietnamese counterparts, good on her. As regards denigrating Lavrov’s diplomatic prowess, that is akin to saying Messi has always been useless at football. It is, in short, such a stupid and ignorant comment that one can only conclude that those making it, NATO’s quack BBC hacks in this case, are moronic beyond redemption.

As regards Putin, although it is fair to say that, like Beethoven before him, he does have his critics, it is equally fair to say he does not murder his diplomats as Zelensky did with Denys Kireyev. And though recent elections in Donbas may have had some flaws, at least they were held and Putin was not trying to trouser $5 bn to hold them, as Zelensky is demanding to run his sham elections in his one-party rump Reich.

Although much more could be said on the financial scam that is Zelensky’s Reich and how so many Western Quislings are coining from it, the collusion of serial mis-information hypocrites like the BBC and the rest of MI6’s Nudge Squad in these war crimes must also be always kept centre stage. Though this hypocrisy is evident in their faux outrage at child prostitution in Iraq (for which the BBC’s collusion in the destruction of Iraq is primarily responsible), it is best epitomised in the picture accompanying a recent editorial in this esteemed journal.

Whilst the picture of the “criminally insane Anthony Blinken” smugly preening himself over all those freshly dug Ukrainian graves like he is Lincoln at Gettysburg is the grossest of insults to the families of all those hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian war dead, it is also a sign that the wheels are coming off NATO’s propaganda train as it buckles against the tempered steel of Russia’s armed forces.

We don’t need Chomsky’s propaganda modelPilger’s excellent summaries or any such lens to see all this. All we need see is that the Nudge Squad’s Cass Sunstein, together with Samantha Power, that ignorant AIPAC gorilla’s better half, have no hope this side of Armageddon of budging the Armed Forces of Russia and its allies one single millimetre. Their lies are, at day’s end, in vain.

Although U.S. Special Operations Command has partnered with AI software developer Accrete to take on “synthetic media”and so-called disinformation on social media in real time, it will take something much more than a fancy anti social media algorithm to upturn the Russian Armed Forces. Accrete is, at day’s end, a cheap shot to shut down social media conversation or, as the Pentagon puts it uncover “behavioural anomalies indicative of potentially illicit activity that are too complex for humans to identify” and the CIA’s ban on this site is just one piece of evidence affirming that Pyrrhic goal of shooting the messenger, as well as the message. Although MI6’s terrorist units have scored some recent “famous victories” against Darya DuginaAline LippGonzalo Lira and other defenceless non-combatants in that role, they too are Pyrrhic victories as this war, of which Ukraine is but a small part, will eventually end with their total defeat.

Although that is a much more bitter pill for the BBC’s paid liars to swallow than is Zakharova, there is much worse than that in the offing. Not only have the crude shock and awe attempts of the BBC failed in Ukraine but their lustre is vanishing quicker than even Zelensky can pocket the aid sent to him. Ever increasing numbers of Britons are refusing to pay the regressive £159 annual levy that keeps that cowboy outfit of sex offenders and necrophiliacs on the road and, as regards news, sport and the like, there are infinitely better forums available elsewhere than the BBC’s lying machine, which is as criminally culpable for the genocides in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria, as it is for these current Ukrainian massacres.

The fact that the BBC is not alone in this, that the American media and the European Union are equally as culpable does not matter a whit. The EU can charge Elon Musk (whose family fear Zelensky will soon do a Kireyev on him) with enabling the Kremlin’s non-existent robots to spread all the non-existent mis-information it wants but the bottom line is that the BBC, the European Union and their American friends across the pond have the blood of millions of Yugoslavian, Ukrainian, Russian, Armenian, Iraqi, Yemeni, Libyan and Syrian dead on their hands and large bodies of NATO’s public want no part in subsidising the BBC’s active collusion in propagating NATO’s war crimes any further. Those, irrespective of the differing circumstances, are the facts. And, as regards the BBC’s childish past time of name-calling, when we call the BBC’s journalists and mis-information specialists war criminals, that too, no matter how the BBC and similar discredited bodies spin it, is also a fact that caused far too many of their innocent victims to pay for with their lives.


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