Friday, 29 September 2023

RFK Jr. & Bio Agents in Ukraine and Georgia: Grey Literature vs. Actual Grey Zone Bio Weapons?

 28.09.2023 Author: Seth Ferris

RFK Jr. & Bio Agents in Ukraine and Georgia: Grey Literature vs. Actual Grey Zone Bio Weapons?

Those who have the sheer audacity, civilian, military whistleblower or journalists, “those  who are fool-hardy enough to expose the truth about US-funded biolabs” out of control science are usually labeled as conspiracy theorists and pay the price, sooner or later, including physical attacks, or are under threat of worse.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is risking it all on bioweapons, telling all, (34:20) so we could say he is basically signing his own death warrant, describing how the bioweapons arms race has been reopened under the American Patriot Act. He goes into detail about how every bioweapon needs a vaccine and the link to gain of function research.

In addition, he describes how vaccines and bioweapons are developed in tandem; at least if everything goes right, one will offset the other, which in theory is fine, but is seldom the case in real life.  In knowing and speaking with some of the original sources to the biolab stories in the former USSR, especially Georgia, in preparing, and who have direct access to supporting documents, it is now apparent, a “clear and apparent danger” is nigh.

That there is a nexus between offensive US military policies and purported public health interventions outside of the US, and these are nefarious at best.  Such projects are under the guise of public and animal health, and most of the public is totally naïve and unsuspecting of what they really are for.

But much of what Kennedy says is already known to our respondents, readers, and those who recount such claims, especially in terms of Ukraine, Georgia and the off shoring of bio weapons research. Those who share such stories are described as trolls, flunkies, and Kremlin tools and can be sanctioned by the US Treasury, which only adds to the veracity of their claims.

As described by the University of Maryland, the Anti-Georgian Nunn-Lugar campaign:

This is ALL KGB/FSB work, which makes use of dregs and lackeys:

  • Jeffrey Silverman, US resident in Tbilisi since 2001 (correction, it should be 1991).
  • Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, Bulgarian journalist § Igor Giorgadze and “fake” US patents alleging connections to the Nunn-Lugar lab, former Georgian Interior Minister and alleged coup/assassination plotter, resident in Moscow
  • The Russian “Fifth Column” in Georgia, open and very extensive: newspapers, TV stations, blogs, major political figures in exile in Moscow and in Tbilisi (former interim Prime Minister), pro-Russian political parties.

Too much history and too many ducks!

Too many ducks are lining up regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. On February 9, 2020, Newt Gingrich invited Daszak as a special guest along with Anthony Fauci on Newt’s World to discuss the coronavirus and how it could potentially evolve into a global pandemic.

As the for-hire media describes, Russian news stories about the Lugar lab rely heavily on “revelations” coming from one eccentric American living in Tbilisi, a certain Jeffrey Silverman, who says that the U.S. will make use of bioweapons developed in Georgia sooner or later as it has already with African Swine flu in Russia, Europe and China.

US government–Soros funded media site, Eurasianet, which he once worked for, describe him thus “Despite a lack of evident expertise or knowledge, Silverman is held up as a bona fide American whistle-blower in the Russian media”.

A Beautiful Mind!

“That lab is a time-bomb,” he intimated in an interview with Russian-based REN TV. So why would such a respectable independent media outlet as Eurasianet hire someone to write geopolitical articles lacking “evident expertise or knowledge?”

On March 23 of 2022, as described by the USAID and EU funded fact checking site, the pro-Kremlin channel Georgian TV Station “Obieqtivi” aired a story about the Richard Lugar Laboratory of Tbilisi. In this story, Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzieva and American journalist Jeffrey Silverman described how that potentially dangerous research is being carried out involving Georgian and Ukrainian soldiers under the watch of the Lugar Laboratory in Georgia, while the laboratory itself is engaged in illegal activities, in violation of the 1972 bioweapons ban treaty.

In addition, in the story of March 23rd of last year, as described by the purported “fact-checker site” the suspicions regarding the Lugar Lab are being bolstered by the fact that the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, confirmed the existence of dangerous substances in the Ukrainian bio-laboratories.

Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said, “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.”

Jeffrey Silverman, Bureau Chief for VT, who first broke the story of bioweapons labs in Georgia and Ukraine, dating back more than 15 years ago, describes some of his materials, how he gained access to them and how they are being researched and shared with a wider audience.

These are confidential files, only a small part of a larger package of documents, and without sharing any identifying names and exact dates, or contract numbers, for the sake of confidentiality, and to protect confidential sources and his personal safety. He has already been attacked on several occasions related to his investigative work, and during the time he was working with the Georgian Human Rights Centre.

The VT Bureau Chief, in Tbilisi, has also given many interviews to the Georgian and Russian media in which he alleged that foreign contract workers at this American funded laboratory had been poisoned and hospitalized—with at least two dying. Their deaths were hidden by Georgian intelligence services, and local journalists were threatened into not reporting on the usual circumstances of their deaths.

As to the documents, Silverman describes what he has accessed over the years, and for self-protection, not from Georgian threats, but those linked to the US Embassy:  

“They came from someone working “directly or indirectly” with the Lugar Lab in Tbilisi, Georgia. This information is not openly available at this time without first getting access, it is closed insider information, and much of it is still under investigation. I highly suspect that the next weapon system of choice to be deployed in Ukraine against Russian and local defense forces will be bio agents, including those spread by animals and insects.”

Most of these projects, at least those that Silverman and his team of dregs and lackeys have access to,  are predominantly funded by the US government in cooperation with the CDC, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Health, NIH, and other Flagship research institutions, including private companies and US-based universities (as listed in the documents), as well as DTRA, and USAID.

The files explain the research proposal, objectives, costs and the private contractors involved, including those from the  US and Turkey, and how participants will be selected. They further describe the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and how this will be voluntary, and it is hard to believe this when some of the test subjects are young recruits just starting their compulsory military service, and are under duress, and not capable of agreeing to informed consent.  

There is also information as to which specific diseases that will be studied, based on blood test results, and these same diseases, especially Anthrax, are of military importance for Georgia, Turkey and the United States.

Jeffrey Silverman, a freelance journalist, who has a background in biological and chemical weapons while training at a military base in the State of Kentucky, is a graduate of the University of Kentucky, with BS and MS degrees. He describes how he is using this treasure trove of documents to find out what is the “real” or alleged purpose of the proposal research, involving 1000 Georgian and 2,000 Ukrainian soldiers, mostly new recruits who had their blood drawn for purposed research purposes, or to test the prior resistance levels for gain of function bio agents.

He has also confirmed with staff at a military hospital in Gori, a regional town and birthplace of Stalin, that when they enter the military as part of their mandatory military service, these samples are mandatory. The claimed purpose of this research was to determine if proper medical procedures, research standards, and agreed protocols are being followed, and if the research project involved is actually as stated, and

  1. NOT for the purpose of “offensive military” application with the development of new strains of especially dangerous pathogens (EDPs) and is,
  2. As what was claimed” in the documents, only for peaceful civilian purposes.

Silverman further claims the real purpose of such a project, and the proposed research, is to “weaponize” new strains of especially deadly pathogens (ESPs) that naturally exist in this region. He bases such claims on his own military experience and scientific education.

He completed his  academic work at the Patterson School of Diplomacy in his home state of Kentucky, including specific work in International Science and Technology Policy related to blood security and transfusion services, and this is how he was able to quickly understand how these documents support an “alleged” network of bioweapons programs, especially the blood testing component, and based on other documents that he has collected over the years as to what the US government is really doing in Georgia and other former Soviet Republics.

Grey Literature vs. Grey Zone

Once I have confirmed the documents, and researched the proposed project, in collaboration with public health experts, I will write up my findings, and share these with the media: Firstly with the Georgian media, as I did with previous interviews, as this research project is in Georgia, and then … with the international media, including US, European, and Russian. Likely a press conference will be organized at various stages of the research review of the Grey Literature, and bioweapons development in the Grey Zone.

Much of what has already been published under his name can be found on the site of Veterans Today, an American military-intelligence journal, and he will give interviews with legitimate news media, mostly in Georgia.

Tip of the iceberg!

Virologist Vincent Racaniello interviewed British zoologist and president of EcoHealth Alliance Peter Daszak in a video that was originally taken on Dec. 9, 2019, three weeks before the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced an outbreak of a new form of pneumonia, virologist Peter Daszak was asked about his work at the nonprofit to protect the world from the emergence of new diseases and prediction of pandemics.

Since 2014, Daszak’s organization has received millions of dollars of funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), which has funneled funds to the WIV to carry out research on bat coronaviruses.

There are other suspects to investigate, including those who are in the shadows. Daszak was named by the World Health Organization as the sole U.S.-based representative on a team sent to investigate the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, a team that also includes Marion Koopmans, Hung Nguyen, Fabian Leendertz, and Christian Drosten. This is more than coincidence, especially since many believe COVID is not naturally occurring, and if made in a lab, nature is not picking up where lab workers left off.

As one source describes, Dasak is not very honest and is the cover face, or poster boy, for disguising military research and experiments. He started out in zoology, e.g., a lizard loving kid, who studied reptiles and then was able to help his wife find a job at the CDC in Atlanta; he tagged along unemployed with her and “suddenly” got a job coordinating virus research among 7 USAID and DoD universities.

Coincidence or not,  Daszak described during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2011, “Our research shows that new approaches to reducing emerging pandemic threats at the source would be more cost-effective than trying to mobilize a global response after a disease has emerged”.

As the NYTs reported, in October 2019, when the federal government “quietly” cut off funding to the ten-year-old program called PREDICT, operated by the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) emerging threats division, much to the dismay of  experts like Daszak, he was worried that shutting PREDICT down, could “leave the world more vulnerable to lethal pathogens like Ebola and MERS that emerge from “unexpected places, such as bat-filled trees, gorilla carcasses and camel barns.”

These disease sources can be considered as Red Herrings, and there is still great speculation that many of these Especially Dangerous Pathogens, or EDPs, were manipulated in labs, and not only one country may be involved.

Daszak said, “PREDICT was an approach to heading off pandemics, instead of sitting there waiting for them to emerge, and then mobilizing” in reaction. EcoHealth claims that it looks at the nexus between emerging viruses and how they affect public health, and what is underlying that … and it is claimed that “almost” all emerging diseases are linked to some underlying drivers, some cause that’s related to people:  travel and trade and building roads into forests around the world.

We have this unprecedented population growth. We’re doing things on the planet that we never used to do. We’re building roads into the remotest forests and what we do is we come into contact with wildlife species and pick up those artists. What we do at EcoHealth is to look at the relationship between people and animals, and the environment, and how that relates to pandemics and [then] we try and do something about it.

EcoHealth Alliance lost funding during the Trump administration, but can now proceed with its research — BUT supposedly under extensive restrictions.

It is worth noting that Peter Daszak, as described by Jeffrey Silverman and others, is THE key person when we talk about the origin of SARS2. Another expert who collaborates with investigating the role of military labs, and is active with a group of scientists who pursue the origin of such emerging diseases, describes Daszak as being the main culprit [in the midst of many suspicions], but who goes about pretending that his life’s work in the interest of humanity.

It is also interesting how the same person that is claimed “to have been involved in the development of gain of function killer viruses” was leading a WHO group in Wuhan and also a second group from the Lancet to investigate the origin of SARS/COVID.

But Daszak has very close ties with both Wuhan and the CCP, and a lot of other conflict of interest—even allegedly with some of the staff of the former South African bioweapons program that was tasked with targeting specific genotypes.

Republican Senator Rand Paul, from Kentucky, which Silverman also calls home, accused Antony Fauci, the highest-paid US government employee, (mainly because of being paid by the US Department of Defense as well)f, of “lying” when he claimed that NIH did not fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

But still, the WHO has appointed Peter Daszak in a purely political decision, and who “better”, to investigate the origins of Sars/COVID. Is this not akin to the fox guarding the chicken house? Fauci has basically been in charge of the US outsourced bioweapons development program, working with EcoHealth Alliance under the guise of animal and public health. And the two of them have a close collaboration in what they do best. The question remains, but for what? …, and it is hard to know if it is for the sake of humanity, or to bring about the end of civilization as we know it.


Seth Ferris, investigative journalist and political scientist, expert on Middle Eastern affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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