Wednesday, 27 September 2023

‘Operation Unthinkable’


“Operation Unthinkable” was Winston Churchill's plan for a surprise attack against their Soviet ally as soon as Nazi Germany had been defeated.

- The plan envisioned the UK, US and re-armed German Nazi forces penetrating deep into the Soviet Union.

Report from the British Military leaders to Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the chances of ‘Operation Unthinkable’ -a surprise attack on the USSR, 22 May 1945 (Catalogue ref: CAB 120/691)




  1. We have examined Operation Unthinkable. As instructed, we have taken the following assumptions on which to base our examination:
    1. The undertaking has the full support of public opinion in the British Empire and the United States and consequently, the morale of British and American troops continues high.
    2. Great Britain and the United States have full assistance from the Polish armed forces and can count upon the use of German manpower and what remains of German industrial capacity.
    3. No credit is taken for assistance from the forces of the other Western Powers, although any bases in their territory, or other facilities which may be required, are made available
    4. Russia allies herself with Japan.
    5. The date for the opening of hostilities is 1st July, 1945.
    6. Redeployment and release schemes continue till 1st July and then stop.

Owing to the special need for secrecy, the normal staff in Service Ministries have not been consulted.


  1. The overall or political object is to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and British Empire.

Even though ‘the will’ of these two countries may be defined as no more than a square deal for Poland, that does not necessarily limit the military commitment. A quick success might induce the Russians to submit to our will at least for the time being; but it might not. That is for the Russians to decide. If they want total war, they are in a position to have it.

  1. The only way we can achieve our object with certainty and lasting results is by victory in a total war but in view of what we have said in paragraph 2 above, on the possibility of quick success, we have thought it right to consider the problem on two hypotheses:-
    1. That a total war is necessary, and on this hypothesis we have examined our chances of success.
    2. That the political appreciation is that a quick success would suffice to gain our political object and that the continuing commitment need not concern us.




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