Sunday 3 September 2023

‘Ireland’s’ Tipperary Peace Prize: A Case Study in NATO’s War Against Belarus


Declan Hayes
September 2, 2023

The Tipperary Peace Prize, akin to NATO prizes elsewhere, is a Trojan Horse to undermine Ireland and a particularly grimy tool to smear Belarus.

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Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya was recently awarded the Tipperary Peace Prize because she and Sergei, her husband, have consistently worked to undermine Alexander Lukashenko, against whom Sviatlana unsuccessfully ran in Belarus’ recent Presidential elections.

If you have never heard of Sviatlana, 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Bialiatski or similar nobodies, all you really need to know about them is they are hired to oppose Lukashenko, who is one of NATO’s top targets because, should NATO undermine Belarus, the door to Moscow would be wide open. Because of Belarus’ strategic position, Russia has a large number of its defence forces stationed there in case Poland, Lithuania and allied NATO satrapies follow through on their threats to ransack it.

Although former USMC officer Douglas Macgregor has opined on all of this, other veterans such as Ryan McBeth have declared that Macgregor is simply a washed up old fossil who doesn’t know what he is talking about. Although McBeth’s utility is to debase Macgregor’s expertise in our eyes, McBeth’s utility to NATO can only be successful if we ignore the idiotic, puerile advice he gives here to Zelensky’s Nazis. Like so many other of NATO’s useful idiots, McBeth is only useful if we do not look under his bonnet to see that he is a hired NATO windbag, a useful idiot, as is Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya and the Tipperary Peace Prize crew, who gave her their dodgy award.

The strategic point to note with respect to this is that the Tipperary Peace Prize, akin to NATO prizes elsewhere, is a Trojan Horse to undermine Ireland and, in this case, a particularly grimy tool to smear Belarus. It is because of its role in undermining peace in Ireland, in Belarus and everywhere else NATO wishes to place its cloven foot that this article examines that grimy group.

The Tipperary Peace Foundation is the only European branch of the sinister Global Peace Foundation run by the controversial Hyun Jin Moon, who is the global head of the Moonies cult, the new Moonie Messiah, whose father was personally “commanded by Jesus to found a new religion that could unite the entire world”. It has bestowed its peace awards on sinister people and groups including MI6’s notorious White Helmets murder gang. Further links on these Moonies characters are here, herehere and hereThis Irish Times piece describes how ‘Messiah’ Moon leaves a vast business – and a tainted image”. This New Republic article speaks of the Moonies’ “sex rituals, foreign spies, [Joe] Biden offspring, and the Unification Church’s war-torn first family.” Here, on the Moonies’ Messiah’s own site, and here are links showing the Moonies’ Global Peace Foundation founding the Irish and Tipperary branches with Moonies’ leader Dr Devine which, this link of him lecturing at pontifical universities, tells us is the Vice President of the Moonies’ Global Peace Foundation. These links herehere and here indicate he is a major Moonies power broker and, as he is singled out for praise in The Life and Teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, a Moonies’ self-praise book, he is certainly a very big fish in that CIA linked cult.

Here at this link, former Irish Prime Minister the late Albert Reynolds, is a keynote speaker at a major Moonies’ “peace” forum. This link says that Reynolds teamed up with Ted Heath and George Bush senior to push the Moonie line; it then lists Ted Heath, Earl Haig, George Bush Snr, Sarkosy, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela and Mary McAleese as being among a large band of politicians who have helped enable sinister cults for big and questionable fees. As this link has the Moonies snapping up mansions adjoining Tipperary, we can only conclude that the CIA is embedded even in the heart of rural Ireland. And so, when this rural Tipperary front group bestows its awards on the likes of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, it does so on behalf of its bigger, overseas masters, who have the likes of Belarus in their cross hairs.

The Tipperary Peace Foundation does not give us any information on its funding on how, for example, it paid for security details for ex POTUS Clinton and John Kerry, both of whom received their Moonies’ prize, as did controversial local Anglican overlord, Martin Mansergh, who in this link, boasts of his contacts with George Bush Snr, who has long collaborated with the Moonies. In this link, George Bush says he is giving a role in Ireland to notorious war hawk Richard Haas, who has also won the Moonies’ “Tipperary” prize.

Given its umbilical connection with the Moonies and the CIA, the Tipperary Peace Foundation, until they open their books to the public and show what due diligence they do before awarding their Russophobic prizes and until they show precisely how they are funded, have to be very suspect. It is not just enough to claim, as they do here, that “if you book them (Clinton, Kerry and their ilk), they will come”. The Moonies’ connection, amongst others, shows there is the stench of death cults, corruption and rotting corpses beneath their rosy garlands of peace. John Kerry, for example, got this prize ostensibly because he persuaded Syria to surrender its chemical weapons’ arsenal but it was Russia, following Kerry’s inflamatory statetments, that persuaded Syria to disarm. As John Kerry freely admits to complicity in the murder of 21 Vietnamese civilians as his part of America’s genocide campaign there, Tipperary and the Moonies seem to have one rule for Americans and another rule for America’s victims.

Martin Quinn, the Tipperary coordinator, seems to be in denial about all this Irish collusion with the White Helmets and other MI6 controlled murder gangs. In this audio clip, he says their intelligence services have, with “governments” that work closely with them (and the Moonies?), fully vetted the White Helmets and given them a clean bill of health. Here on TippFM is White Helmets (and George Soros associate) fellow traveller Anna Nolan, the director of the MI6 funded Syria Campaign, making a fool of herself defending the White Helmets murder gang with arguments that have been discredited years ago. Her stream of consciousness is interesting in that she uses the same argumentum ad verecundiam (argument from authority) the war mongers almost invariably deploy. Specifically, as the facts that the Irish and NATO governments give these groups millions of dollars with zero accountability, checks or balances and that, unlike TippFM, the state controlled BBC and RTE question none of that, cannot, should not and must not absolve them from scrutiny or, hopefully, war crimes’ charges. Meanwhile, this extended video has 21st Wire’s Patrick Henningsen explain the role of fake NGOs like the White Helmets in spreading U.S. hegemony in Syria and elsewhere. In this excellent article by the same author, he destroys Quinn’s RTE interview and shows the White Helmets and their apologists up for what they are. This video shreds the Tipperary Peace Convention for aligning with Al Qaeda. Code Pink, meanwhile, defends these sexist White Helmets butchers.

Curtis Crystal designs the Tipperary Peace PrizeTheir twitter account tells us they also design the crystal bowl the U.S. President gets from his Irish satraps on St Patrick’s Day. This is another small but significant connection between the Tipperary Peace Convention and the Pentagon. As Curtis Crystal are not cheap, one must ask who funds their work for the Tipperary Peace Convention. One might also wonder why Tipperary Crystal did not get the gig to make the Tipperary Peace Prize.

Although the White Helmets murder gang won the “Tipperary” Peace Prize, the late Martin McGuinness, the former supreme leader of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA), was also short listed, leading to very predictable and, indeed, understandable protests from some quarters in Belfast, Dublin and elsewhere. As these reports here and here indicate, the “Tipperary” Peace Convention’s all too predictable Martin Quinn not only refused to meet any of PIRA’s victims but threatened to put the full force of the law on them for “intimidating” the “Tipperary” Peace Prize panel who incredibly passed the matter onto the Gardai, the Irish police force to bring the peace campaigners to book. The Moonies, in other words, think they should give their prize out without even a cursory consultation with those, who might have the dope on those, like McGuinness, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya or the White Helmets they short list. Although it beggars belief that the Moonies cult would behave in this intimidating way, giving al Qaeda’s undertakers a peace prize shows that fact is stranger than fiction.

In this link, and referring to McGuinness’ case in particular, Quinn again reiterates that himself and his “Tipperary” mates do not enter into discussions about those like Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya who are shortlisted for the Moonies’ prize as that would compromise them. He says this even though he has gone out to bat on more than one occasion for the White Helmets, who have a very large and well paid PR team to do just that.

The irony of this, that Sinn Féin and the rest of Official Ireland, are happy to rubber-stamp the Moonies’ prize that has been formerly given to war hawks, is at the core of the matter. The Moonies, the CIA and other dark forces in the shadows are using asphalt turf prizes like this to win friends and influence people and policies. Well-funded asphalt turf projects like this give NATO’s sinister forces the scaffolding to go about their sinister work and religious, political and other groups scramble to jump aboard the train and sup the gravy and marinate in the reflected glory. Politicians, clerics, academics, sport personalities and other opinion makers dutifully flock in for whatever crumbs of respectability, faux cred or influence that NATO’s willing executioners might toss in their paths. And the innocent men, women and children of Donbass, Belarus and Syria pay with their lives for this Irish collaboration with evil personified.


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