Friday, 18 August 2023

Biden Should Promote Peace Over War in Ukraine for Two Good Reasons


by Walt Zlotow 

President Biden faces a dilemma. He’s running for re-election in what is likely to be an extremely close reelection race.

But he’s locked into promoting endless tens of billions to win an unwinnable proxy war against Russia in Ukraine that the electorate no longer supports.

After 18 months, the electorate is moving on from supporting his war. They know it’s unwinnable. They realize it’s not remotely connected to US national security interests. They understand it could a lurch into nuclear confrontation at any time. A recent CNN poll found voters flipped from 62% feeling Biden should do more, to just 48%. Even a bigger percentage, 55%, oppose more tens of billions in weapons to fuel a lost cause.

But Biden doubles down, saying we’re in this proxy war for the long haul till Ukraine pushes Russia out of the pro Russian Ukraine areas that will never be reunited with the Western oriented two thirds of Ukraine.

To make his point clear, Biden sabotaged a negotiated settlement 16 months ago that would have left Ukraine with more territory that they will now end up with. Result? Tens of thousands of unnecessary Ukraine deaths and further destruction to its economy all to prove an unprovable point.

Republicans would not likely be supporting peace in Ukraine if Trump were president, but more and more are exploiting public opinion against the war as they seek to reclaim the White House next year. If Biden follows sensible voter opinion and pivots toward peace, his electoral chances increase.

But there is a second and better reason for Biden to promote peace instead of war in Ukraine. Politics aside…it’s the right thing to do to save lives, possibly avoid nuclear war.

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at


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