Tuesday, 15 August 2023

A Litany of Lies


by Arch Bungle

Lifted from an off-topic comment.

Being a catalogue of the lies I have imbibed through by means of torturous exposure to Anglo-American Newspapers and the rumor mills of Continental Europe.

See the examples below:

  1. The Russian MIC cannot manufacture semiconductors. All their semiconductors are obtained via the black market from western sources. Or Iran. Or China. Or North Korea (all of whom are themselves under sanctions!).
  2. The Russian microchip industry doesn't exist (But the Russians can build things with black market American chips that even the Japanese can't build)
  3. The Russian microchip industry has collapsed (How something that doesn't exist "collapses" I am not sure, but there you are)
  4. Putin is a Dictator. He micromanages every single aspect of Russian Society up to the frontline battles (The Surovikhin Line should actually be renamed the "Putin Line". But russian military bloggers and even military staff are criticising him on a daily basis without apparent consequence, and outspoken media figures are allowed to hurl an endless stream of criticism against Putin and his conduct of the war).
  5. Putin is Russia and "Russia is Putin" (And that one aging bureaucrat alone is enough to terrify the West )
  6. Russia / Putin is Isolated from the global community (Because everyone knows the "International Community" consists of white folks plus some honorary members like the Japs and South Koreans (whose membership may soon be up anyway))
  7. The Russian economy is insignificant and smaller than Italy/Texas/France/etc. (it's only the biggest economy in Europe by PPP, and nobody cares about PPP)
  8. The Soviet Union was an Empire and Russia is seeking to restore it's imperialism
  9. Putin is a "Thug" and a "Murderer" (Because he bombed all those Afghan weddings, blockaded the starving people of Yemen and stated publicly that 500 000 Iraqi children were a worthy sacrifice to Mammon)
  10. Russian military operations are at a disadvantage at night due to inferior night vision (The AFU on the other hand has access to the best NATO night vision technology)
  11. Russia is starving the world by withdrawing from the grain deal
  12. The Oil Price Cap, defying all laws of economic gravity, has been surprisingly effective in strangling Russian oil revenues
  13. Russia is running out of artillery/drones/tanks/men Russia is salvaging microchips from dishwashers
  14. Putin is dying from Alzheimers/Parkinsons/Cancer
  15. Russia is stealing millions of Ukrainian children and abducting them to Russian territory
  16. Putin eats brains cooked by Prigozine
  17. Prigozine was Putin's Chef (literally)
  18. Russian army is demoralised and bordering on mutiny
  19. Putin's inner circle is plotting a coup against him (It's going as slow as the SMO because they also believe in the slow grinding approach)
  20. [Counter-Narrative character assassination] Putin was responsible for the Moscow Apartment Bombings
  21. Russian army is incompetent and poorly trained
  22. Russian satellite coverage of the battlespace is poor, so poor large swathes of Ukraine are completely invisible to them
  23. Russian army has poor targeting precision. So bad that even a large CEP and a salvo won't help
  24. Russia is deliberately targeting civilians
  25. Ukraine is not targeting civilians (deliberately)
  26. Putin is preparing to colonise Africa (The Africans will be given a choice of Russia, China, The EU or the US for their new colonial masters)
  27. The Wagner group is involved somehow in the coup in Niger
  28. Russia has been making extensive use of cluster munitions since the start of the SMO (Extensive evidence of this to be found in Bucha, Mariupol and Kherson)
  29. Ukraine has an artillery advantage over Russia (July/June 2023)
  30. NATO tactics are superior to Russian battlefield tactics (Specifically the training provided by the Brits, those eternal masters of battlefield tactics going back to the charge of the light brigade)
  31. Putin has a poor grasp of strategy (As compared to Biden, Sunak, Boris Johnson, Olaf Scholtz, Jens Stotenberg, Milley, Von der Leyen and Borell who are strategic geniuses)
  32. The Sanctions Are Working (Just like they worked against Iran, Cuba, North Korea, the Houthi, China, Vietnam ...)
  33. The HIMARS Missile system will be a "game changer" (It's impossible to shoot down a hi mars round, and not a single Himars system has been destroyed)
  34. American drones will be a "game changer" (especially the little spy ones)
  35. The AFU has "semi-encircled" the Russian forces in Bakhmut/Artyomsk
  36. Byraktar will be a game-changer (Because somehow the Turks managed to evolve from kebab makers to advanced drone manufacture. Who do they think they are, Iranians?)
  37. F16s will turn the tide of the battle in Ukraines favour
  38. X wonder weapon will "turn the tide against Russia" (I thought the tide was already in Ukraine's favour from the start?)
  39. X general/commander has been fired/sacked/discipled
  40. X and Y generals have a personal rivalry that is affecting Russian battlefield performance
  41. The Russian army is dependent on decrepit Soviet-era equipment (e.g old Soviet Hypersonic missiles)
  42. There's nothing special about Ukraine's neo-nazi problem since neo-nazism is a worldwide problem.
  43. There are no weapons bio-labs in Ukraine operated by the Pentagon
  44. The weapons labs operated in Ukraine by the pentagon are not a threat to Russia
  45. Russia Attacked Ukraine Unprovoked (The bombing of civilians in donbas was no reason to go in guns blazing. R2P is the divine right of Europeans only)
  46. NATO made no commitment (written or otherwise) to not advance on Russia's borders (Gorbacheff was drunk and hallucinating at the time)
  47. The SMO has nothing to do with the NATO advancement in Eastern Europe
  48. The SMO has nothing to do with the 8-year killings of ethnic russians in donbas
  49. Cluster munitions are acceptable in Ukraine's case since they're in dire straits
  50. The Russians invaded Ukraine in 2014 ("Little Green Men")
  51. Russian tanks are inferior to American tanks (Even Shermans.)Russian tanks are inferior to German tanks (Even WW2 tiger tanks)
  52. Russian tanks are inferior to French tanks (Especially in reverse)
  53. The Russian army is the second most powerful one in the world (Second most powerful in Ukraine, which means the AFU is the most powerful army in the world)
  54. Putin is a Crypto-Jew (Because there are some photos of a Putin-looking dude wearing a weird cap)
  55. Ukraine cannot be a NAZI state because it's president is Jewish
  56. [Counter-Narrative Character Assassination] Alexander Mercouris is a convicted criminal
  57. [Counter-Narrative Character Assassination] Scott Ritter is a convicted paedophile
  58. "X" pro-russian commentator has never been right (non of his predictions has come true)
  59. "Y" pro-Russian commentator is a convicted x,y,z (character assassinations)
  60. The sanctions will work if we only apply enough rounds of sanctions!
  61. The Russian economy is in tatters!
  62. Putin is losing the political support of his people: Protests breaking out all over Russia with a possible cooler revolution brewing
  63. The Ukrainian Counteroffensive (June/July/August 2023) is/was/will be successful
  64. Russia is firing S300 missiles into Poland (over Ukrainian airspace)
  65. The Russo Ukraine war started in 2022
  66. The Russian Army is using Human Wave attacks (wagner's HR department must be the most efficient on planet earth - a revolution in HR affairs for sure)
  67. The Russian Army is targeting civilians (And yet the Russians have poor targeting ability?)
  68. The Russian army is using cluster munitions since the start of the war (with not a single mention in the media until the US decided to suggest using them?)
  69. Putin wants to expand the Russian empire into Europe (including such useless basket cases like the Greeks, Italians, French and Spaniards and those malevolent psychopaths the Germans)
  70. Ukrainian Grain is key to solving world hunger (But the EU frequently rejects the grain due to toxins?)
  71. 'International Law' says x , y , z about the SMO (the same international law that has no enforcer or single legislative body acknowledged internationally)
  72. NATO is a defensive organisation (Except when it comes to brown people in non-european countries, or yugoslavs, who may be bombed with wild abandon)
  73. NATO is limited to the "North Atlantic" (Libya is a north atlantic country of course, everybody knows THAT)
  74. NATO has greater military power than Russia (An organisation made up mostly of countries who got their asses kicked by the Wehrmacht or paid Russia to do their fighting for them are now suddenly the most powerful military force on earth)
  75. Putin is in league with the Russian Oligarchs and therefore targeting the Oligarchs harms Putin (which explains why they're fleeing Russia for London)
  76. Ukrainian attacks on civilian infrastructure are justified (but Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure are not. All Ukrainian attacks on civilians are unintentional, including the couple killed on Kerch bridge orphaning their daughter)
  77. The Russian Tank Autoloader is inferior to the manually loaded western tank loader (Because a meat-bag on captagon can outperform automation in any era)
  78. The Ukrainian offensive is stalling because NATO is drip-feeding weapons to the regime' (But still Ukraine is winning!).
  79. Current hostilities between the AFU and the RF are "stalemated" (Even in Kupyansk)
  80. Current hostilities between the AFU and the RF are "stalled" (but Ukraine is making 'incremental gains', but Russia is not making 'incremental gains')
  81. The Tochka missile attack on the Kramatorsk train station was perpetrated by Russians using an old Soviet missile from Ukrainian stocks.
  82. The Russian people are collectively responsible for Putin's war on Ukraine (So they need re-education and De-Russification)
  83. The Ukrainian Industry is continuing as normal despite the war. It's glorious industrial machine pumps out tanks, shells, missiles, semiconductors, fuel and grain at impressive levels, supplying The World and their own army with important commodities (Motorsich is running fine producing tanks for the AFU, jet engines for the Ukrainian Airforce, the neon/argon production facilities have not been captured by Russia, oil reserve facilities are untouched).
  84. Life in Ukrainian cities is continuing as normal despite the war. All is well. Pool parties and street celebrations are commonplace. (Millions of Ukrainians have not fled for Europe, it was merely the tourist high season, hospitals are not filled with the casualties of war, funeral hearses in their thousands are not seen in the streets, WW2 cemeteries are not seeing a capacity problem ...)
  85. If the west only gets rid of Putin Russia will collapse and the West will be victorious. (This short, balding, 70-year old bureaucrat is the only one standing between Victoria Nuland and "World Domination").
  86. The use of nuclear weapons by Russia will end the war and the world will be at peace thereafter (or some variation thereof).
  87. Ukraine should be grateful to the West for supplying the Ukrainian Army (But the West owes Ukraine nothing for fighting their wars for them?)
  88. General Gerasimov was killed on the battlefield.
  89. Putin is dead and what we're seeing is one of his many body doubles (The body double is somehow as worthy of hatred as the original and as capable of running Russia as the OG Putin (anybody watched Foundation Series lately?))
  90. Russia is the last bastion of the "white, straight, christian male" and is fighting this war in the name of White Christendom (not the chechen muslim, tengrist buryat, buddhist tuvan, shamanist Yakhut ... no they're all just immigrant labour shipped in for their "white" masters)
  91. The Ukrainians should never have surrendered their USSR nuclear weapons (the ones they never had control of to begin with)
  92. If you were against the invasion of Iraq by the USA you should be equally against the invasion of Ukraine by Russia (During which Vasiliy Nebenziya stood up in the UNSC waving a vodka bottle filled with Novichok as evidence the Ukraine was using chemical weapons against "it's own people")
  93. The Ukrainian Counteroffensive (June/July/August 2023) is/was/will be successful
  94. The USA is able to fund the Ukraine war on Russia indefinitely (because "infinite money printer capacity" = "infinite manufacturing capacity" and all this manufacturing capacity can be restored to the US in the space of a few months, just like 9 women can birth a single baby in 1 month if working in parallel)
  95. The Ukrainians are winning because they've taken back 50% of the territory Russia took from them in a fraction of the time Russia took to take it (at the cost of more than 50% of the Ukrainian army, and just not the part Russia truly cares about. The other 50% of the land will cost another 50% of the AFU probably)
  96. The Wagner Coup' (Because a 10 minute speech by Putin is enough to stop a coup right in the tracks)
  97. the Wagner Mutiny (Because somewhere there was a ship involved)
  98. The Wagner Protest (Minus the protest placards)
  99. The Wagner Insurrection (Because a couple of clowns barreling down the road with some stolen artillery can take on the entire Red Army)
  100. The Wagner Invasion of Poland (Because "why not"?)
  101. The Russian people would rise up and overthrow the Putin regime if they could only just receive CNN, BBC, MSNBC (Because they're all nostalgic for a repeat of the 1990s)
  102. The West has unparalleled media freedom (as long as you don't watch RT, Sputnik, Iranian Opress-TV, Al-Manar because those are obvious propaganda, because we think so)
  103. Putin intends to invade Moldova (skipping on right past Lvov because "Stretch goals: we can do better!").
  104. Putin is "weaponising" hunger by forcing the West to impose grain sanctions on Russia ("I made you hit me in the face to hurt your hand").
  105. The Wagner 'insurrection' left Putin weakened politically (So weak he had to deliver an entire 10 minute speech including pauses to shut the whole thing down completely).
  106. US Patriot missiles in Kiev shot down Russia's hypersonic Khinzal missiles without sustaining significant damage.
  107. Ukrainian Air Defences are capable of shooting down Khinzal hypersonic missiles (but by their own admission cannot defend against Onyx, probably because Onyx beats Dagger in trading card games)
  108. ...

Posted by b on August 14, 2023 at 17:45 UTC | Permalink



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