Friday, 2 June 2023

Understanding Victoria Nuland, Biden, Obama, & the Clintons


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Eric Zuesse

Neoconservatism is the UK/U.S. belief that the U.S./UK Government ought to control the world’s international relations and impose its “Western Values” upon any country they accuse of violating their values, and it goes beyond traditional imperialism by aiming to control all nations and not merely some nations (“our empire”): it aims for “hegemony,” instead of merely “empire,” and it claims that only in this way can world peace actually be achieved. The fundamental idea behind it is that peace can be achieved only by force. It was started actually in 1877 by Cecil Rhodes, who created the DeBeers fortune (starting in 1888) by making to all of Africa’s diamond miners a “deal they could not refuse” (to use the subsequent Mafia phrase for it) and thereby creating the world’s diamond monopoly. What he started in 1877 — the ideology that he started — is called by various names, such as Rhodesism, The Anglosphere, the Special Relationship between UK and U.S., neoconservatism, U.S. exceptionalism, and U.S. global imperialism or hegemony. It’s all the same thing, regardless of the many different synonymous words. Deceivers love to create different words or phrases for the same thing — actual synonyms — in order to confuse the public about what that thing itself actually is, because this makes more difficult for the public to formulate realistic equations about the reality, in their minds. This resultant lack of understanding, by the public, facilitates exploitation and manipulation of the public (which is the natural objective of the super-rich — whose dream is for workers to be paid as little as possible, until they become replaced by automating everything). But all of those words and phrases refer to the same phenomenon: it’s the belief that there ought to become a UK/U.S. empire controlling the entire world (and which is being controlled behind the scenes by its billionaires). Rhodes in 1877 came up with this dream, which became a reality increasingly since 25 July 1945, a reality of the U.S. Government controlling the world but being itself controlled behind the scenes by the UK’s aristocracy in conjunction with America’s billionaires, which became the guiding hand behind America’s own Deep State, so that both of the two aristocracies would continue together controlling ultimately the entire world. Rhodes wanted to make the British Empire permanent, by sub-contracting it out to America’s rising new aristocracy, behind-the-scenes British agents, many of which agents would themselves be ignorant of that reality, but this ignorance on their part made no difference, because the deals they’d make were inter-personal on each of the two sides, and because even mainland European aristocrats and their agents became included into the organization after the Bilderberg group was set up in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and America’s David Rockefeller, to coordinate both sides of America’s NATO military alliance to capture the world’s largest landmass, the Soviet Union. They would use native-English-speaking-and-writing imperialistic fascist racists, in order to achieve what had been Hitler’s dream (control over the entire planet) and colonize ultimately the entire world, but not for the German Reich, but instead for the British monarchy and the Lords that it represents — and for the billionaires who fund the careers of ‘civil servants’ on both sides of the swinging doors, into and out from ‘the private sector’ of their ‘public-private partnerships’ to benefit insiders of international corporations, at taxpayers’ expense. (And the operation is by the Government; so, the billionaires don’t fund it, the taxpayers — who lose from it — do. The billionaires instead profit from it. And no would-be competitors have that advantage, this subsidization from the public.) So, by this means, Rhodes’s 1877 dream is becoming the world’s reality.

The article at Wikipedia, “Barney Barnato”, provides an excellent summary-description of how “consolidation,” or the monopolization of an industry — specifically, of the diamond industry — happened, and of how it greatly increased the wealth of the wealthiest, at everybody else’s expense. The only thing that was unique about Rhodes’s plan is that it entailed, by means of the core organization that would be created by his estate upon death, an Anglo-American mega-organization of global monopolies to funnel wealth increasingly into an increasingly small number of increasingly rich individuals, few enough at each circle-within-circles, so that the individuals would know each other within that level or circle, and at each level the wealth-extractions by them would be only from the lower levels, all the way down to the public, and thereby the most-enriched individuals would be the few at the very highest level, at the top of the Rhodesist pyramid of wealth, the behind-the-scenes power. That’s how it was intended to work. Rhodes designed such an Anglo-American wealth-pyramid into what he had figured out by 1877 would emerge in the 20th Century as being The American Century, which would terminate any democracy that might exist anywhere, and establish a global — not merely national — aristocracy, whose outcome is metaphorically described by the “Big Brother” tyranny in George Orwell’s dystopic 1948 novel 1984. Rhodes’s plan is the real Big Brother.

Right from the start, as a corporation in 1888, DeBeers was financed by the top European and American bankers — the European Rothschilds, Beits, Oppenheimers, and the American Morgans (all of which families lent DeBeers the money with which to buy up all the diamond mines so as to create the monopoly), and, ultimately, the Rockefellers, who were the first fuel-titans. On the European side of those investors who were backing Rhodes were almost only Jewish bankers, but on the Morgan and subsequent Rockefeller side of it were Christians plus also some German-Jewish families such as the Warburgs and Schiffs. However, all of those families together were lending the money to DeBeers so that it could keep buying up the diamond mines and thereby control the global diamond trade and diamond pricing and ultimately the profits to their investors, who increasingly became their hired executives, at the top of which was Rhodes himself, who died in 1902, just at the time when the Northern Securities Case of 1902-3 in the U.S. was bringing together the Morgans and the Rockefellers, and Theodore Roosevelt offered the Morgans and Rockefellers a deal they could not refuse. All of them were intensely imperialistic. FDR had hoped to defeat them all, after WW II would be won, but died just before that WW-II end, and immediately became replaced by Harry Truman, who was surrounded by Rhodesists and he did what they advised him to do, which was to set up the military-industrial complex so that the U.S. Government will take over the entire world, which has been happening ever since he decided on 25 July 1945 to start the process to do that. However, finally, now, this Rhodesist dream, or ‘democratic’ nightmare, is just about to crash, and the only question is: into what? Will it be crashing into WW III? Will they carry it that far — off the cliff?

Even in the diamond business, and even today, the Anglo-Americans’ hostility toward an unconquered Russia is significant. On 25 April 2023, was posted to the Web, “Why is Botswana rethinking its deal with De Beers?”, and part of the answer was: “Emboldening the government’s stance is the high demand for diamonds from non-Russian Federation sources. Russian companies are the largest producers of natural diamonds worldwide, but their stones have been shunned by Western buyers since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Sanctions against Russian companies are limiting sales, but some U.S. jewellers have taken their own decision to restrict purchases of Russian diamonds.” So: the anti-Russian sanctions are boosting DeBeers, at Russia’s expense.

For Rhodesists, Russia and China must be regime-changed, so that the UK/U.S. empire can take over the entire world.

Here is Victoria Nuland, of the Bill Clinton, and of the George W. Bush, and of the Barack Obama, and of the Joe Biden, Administrations, setting forth in more detail than any high official of the U.S. Government yet has done, the Rhodesist viewpoint, regarding the war in Ukraine, and why the U.S. Government is preparing to go as far as into WW III, if necessary, to defeat Russia in Ukraine. She speaks there for both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, because both Parties, in both houses of the U.S. Congress, are nearly 100% on board with that viewpoint, the Rhodesist viewpoint. This view, which some call “neoconservatism,” originated with Cecil Rhodes, back in 1877. They’re virtually 100% for the billionaires, against the public, and carrying it out regarding both Russia and China. But, to do that, there would have to be a nuclear war involving the U.S. and its allies, on one side, versus Russia and China, on the other. For the U.S. and its allies, the goal would be global conquest. For both Russia and China, the goal of defending themselves against the constantly hyper-aggressive neoconservative alliance would be to protect themselves against losing their national sovereignty to the U.S. Consequently: whether there will be that World War Three is a decision that can be made only in Washington DC. That is the hunter, and Russia and China are its biggest prey. Among the super-powers, the aggression comes solely from the U.S.A. Its allies are merely the members of its gang, all of which would need to be destroyed, since the U.S. gang refuses to stop their constant aggressions, which are intended ultimately to conquer the entire world, in accord with what had been Rhodes’s plan.

Russia’s #2 leader Dmitry Medvedev seems to know about this history: on 21 April 2023, he said “Britain was, is, and will be our eternal enemy.” He said this though until 1945 when Harry Truman came into the U.S. White House: Russia, Britain, and the U.S., were the “Big Three” Allies against Hitler. Perhaps Medvedev knows about Rhodes, and understands that Truman was carrying that ball (the imperialistic Hitler’s and Churchill’s) — NOT (the anti-imperialistic) FDR’s.

The way that the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winning Barack Obama expessed this hyper-imperialism on 28 May 2014 was by saying that “The United States is and remains the world’s one indispensable nation” — all others are “dispensable.” Hitler felt that way about Germany. Rhodes felt that way about UK, and he (and his follower Churchill) planned the UK would use subterfuge in order to retake the U.S. (as “the Special Relationship”) so that the British empire will become all-encompassing as “U.S. hegemon” (as that ultimate UK/U.S. empire is referred-to today). On 27 March 2009, Obama had secretly told Wall Street’s mega-banksters (on page 234) “I’m protecting you. … I’m going to shield you,” from “the pitchforks” who wanted them to be prosecuted for the Wall Street crash. All secret promises — made to the billionaires and their agents — were kept. All public promises — made to the public — were not. Victoria Nuland was well suited to represent such Presidents. Rhodes would have approved of all of them.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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