Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Hungary’s Orban Says Ukraine War Can Only End With Deal Between Russia and US


Budapest's calls for a ceasefire in Ukraine have angered the US

by Dave DeCamp 

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Tuesday that Ukraine is unlikely to win the war against Russia and that the only way the conflict can end is through a deal between the US and Russia.

“Looking at the reality, the figures, the surroundings, the fact that NATO is not ready to send troops, it is obvious that there is no victory for the poor Ukrainians on the battlefield. That’s my position,” Orban said at the Qatar Economic Forum in Doha, according to Al Jazeera.

“The war can be stopped only if the Russians can make an agreement with the US. In Europe, we are not happy with that, but it’s the only way out,” Orban added.

The Hungarian government’s calls for diplomacy and a ceasefire in Ukraine have angered the US, as the White House has previously come out against a pause in fighting. The US ambassador to Hungary recently slammed Budapest’s calls for peace, calling them “cynical.”

Orban’s position breaks from most European leaders, but he emphasized his concern for Ukrainians, including ethnic Hungarians who are being conscripted to fight in Ukraine. “Our hearts are with the Ukrainians. We understand how much has happened,” he said. “But I am speaking here as a politician, and the solution is to save lives.”


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