The Biden Campaign's Deep State Conspiracy To Discredit The Hunter Biden Laptop
by Debs is Dead
lifted from a comment
Frankly I'm not sure where to post any more as 'not Ukraine' threads age for so long before being replaced that I doubt many but the most assiduous readers get to discover news which is actually vital to comprehending the Amerikan empire decline.
Not to worry I'll stick to the ancient rules & post here.
Which discloses former temporary CIA boss Michael Morell's conspiracy to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop tosh:
An all-time media blackout is in effect. We’re experiencing real-time Sovietization. by Matt Taibbi
It transpires that the infamous incident before the 2020 election in which 50 former intelligence officials signed an open letter declared a New York Post expose about Hunter Biden’s laptop to have the “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” was instigated at the behest of the Joe Biden campaign. This at least is the allegation in a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released by Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government.
In that letter, which is not easy to find, you’ll see three snippets of dialogue from questioning of Morell, who appears to have organized the open letter. In the first snippet, he explains that the idea originated with a call from Blinken, then of the Biden campaign, and that absent that call, Morell wouldn’t have done what he did:
biggerIn the second snippet Morell bluntly explains that he did it because “I wanted him to win,” him being Joe Biden.
The snippets are from congressional record. Matt has them, read them through the link above I provided.
Matt calls this the 'Sovietization' of Amerika a metaphor that I'm not particularly comfortable with as Soviet bureaucrats used to claim with some justification that their efforts to control information was in the people's interest. Anyway arguing over history rarely does anything more than cement the debaters to their particular position but Morell's corruption is too recent to be considered history given that Biden is hoping to run again.
Morell can make no such claim his move was outta self interest, he hoped to be appointed CIA director in a Biden presidency.
There is such a naive belief in the alleged worth of the so-called 'Amerikan experiment' which IMO has been corrupt from its outset, that getting out any information at all which discredits this most vicious of all empires is a vital job for those who say "Enough!" even if it is a naively recent dissatisfaction.
Read Taibbi's post and spread it about as far & wide as possible is my recommendation.
Posted by b on April 22, 2023 at 16:39 UTC | Permalink
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