Special Military Operation and Vladimir Putin’s Promise
If Russia survives, the rest of the world will survive. Anything opposite from this is surely not an option.
This article is based on a video report by a renowned Serbian journalist Nikola Vrzic, RT Balkan. Translated by Tatiana Obrenovic.
BBC crew arrived in Belgrade, Serbia a while ago so as to show that the Serbs are unlike any other nation. Nonetheless the BBC is using the pattern defined by Peter Ustinov, the commander of the Order of the British Empire and its knight as well. Ustinov, that knight of that Empire of theirs, used to say that Serbs are two-dimensional humans. “Animals use their own resources way more appropriately than those ghastly creatures, the belonging of whom to the human race is extremely behindhand.”
Though, there are still those who remember that in January 1972, Robert De Niro, Milos Forman, Vittorio De Sica and Sergey Bondarchuk and Peter Ustinov with them, used to be “dragged” along for kafana crawls (1) in Belgrade. Those say that the would-be knight (i.e. Peter Ustinov) used to take to heavy drinking very much like said animal, and very much prone to revelry at that. “In wine there is truth” and therefore in heavy drinking everyone’s character inevitably surfaces to broad daylight. Only after that rampant revelry in Belgrade did Ustinov notice that never had one moral issue been clearer and that any reaching an agreement with those ‘highwaymen’ (i.e. with the Serbs) would be against feelings of honour, decency and self-respect.
In line with that, the BBC could not help but begin a documentary about a country which supports the Russian “invasion” of Ukraine with eerie sounds of the violin (2) and with the fellas with the hoodies on their heads at dusk right next to the graffiti with the NATO and the EU symbols scratched out. Odd things are happening in Serbia: a shadow hovering above it – the narrator notices with a conspiratorial tone of his voice and so forth in that tone all along, although the creators of this documentary were somewhat more honest than those before them. But there had to be a mention of “Russian propaganda” being spread (in Serbia) because “it must be there”, complete with the RT Balkans billboard (they find fault with us, eh?) and symbols of war – says the narrator, while the camera zooms on a T-shirt with the image of Vladimir Putin.
They fail to understand that in Serbia, the NATO symbol is the symbol of war whereas Putin can be something completely opposite, accordingly. A symbol of victory and rebellion which ensues out of that rebellion of his, which is bound to be ours as well because we have to stand up against them (NATO), rather than to yield to their pressure in subjugation, and a symbol of peace which will follow upon our victory. Otherwise, we will be no more. They fail to understand that. This is a common case of their arrogant British lack of intelligence.
Not only because of that but because they are capable of thinking that we should act in any way different from this. The same people who bombed us together with the Germans and the same people who are robbing us of our land (i.e. Kosovo and Metohija) and who want to declare us as a genocidal nation. How on Earth can they even be flabbergasted with the fact that we are not with them and against those (i.e. the Russians) who have never done anything from the list (i.e. brutalities mentioned above) to us. Quite the opposite in fact.
For that matter, our profuse gratitude goes to Vitaly Churkin and Vladimir Putin. We shall not forget a hand raised up high in the UN Security Council and their veto to the British Resolution about Srebrenica about the allegedly genocidal Serbs which thanks to Vitaly Churkin was not upheld in the UN. Seven times have the British put forth a number of drafts with the same essence. Apparently, they have made similar offers to the Russians in return for their consent. The Russians refused. But about their said British lack of intelligence and the complementary arrogance we are also talking about the more important fact that they are failing to grasp that the Serbs are not an exception anymore because of their attitude towards Russia. Namely, all the others are now, so to say, “the Serbs”.
We shall remain what we have always been whilst they, the British and the rest, for example the Latvians, the Estonians , the Lithuanians and all the rest of the “Bulgarians” (4.) who feel that way simply are not “the absolute criterion for all that exists”. That process of their becoming much more relevant than they are used to be a year ago on the 24th February 2022 has gained particular momentum in as much as even The Washington Post has had to admit what all of us already know and anyhow when would be a better moment for it than now, propaganda cannot be plausible unless it contains some truth.
They say the global division is being deepened due to the war in Ukraine. It is surely much deeper than that – The Washington Post writes. This conflict has indicated the boundaries of the U.S. impact on the world order which is undergoing change at a shocking speed. There is growing evidence to suggest that the efforts to isolate Putin have failed and not only among Russian allies whom one would expect to support Moscow, such as Iran and China. All those who are dissatisfied (i.e. with the state of the matters) can nag all they like. This is not Russian propaganda but it is in fact The Washington Post which supports this evaluation of theirs with indisputable numbers.
Only 33 countries have introduced sanctions out of 193 UN member states. The pseudo state of Kosovo of course is not among them but that is the reason why they counted it among those 33. The same goes for Taiwan. The anti-Russian sanctions map, published by The Washington Post is interesting. From Mexico downwards no country has joined them in Latin America and precisely nobody in Africa. And the same goes for the whole Asia apart from the previously mentioned Taiwan and two countries on whose soil the U.S. occupational troops are still based there: Japan and South Korea. With them are Australia and New Zealand and of course the whole Europe except for Belarus and Serbia, which is being robbed of Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which would rather demolish Republika Srpska in order to sway it away to the opposite side i.e. to theirs.
The Collective West is summed up in that map in The Washington Post by an Egyptian reporter, whilst India’s former minister of foreign affairs mentions our Serbian example as well so as to prove that serious people cannot accept an argument that all of a sudden standing up against Russia is to do with any moral imperative. But one other issue is crucial here. Why is the power of attraction of Russia, whilst Russia has never made an effort to be attractive rather than be what it is, has proven mightier than all the threats and pressures and undoubted power coming from their opponents. On one hand because the whole world understands, apart from the Collective West, which is not allowed to understand anything but only to obey what it is told to do, albeit the rest of the world as a whole do understand that Russia has initiated their special military operation not because they want to enlarge their Empire but because they want to survive.
They did not want to but they had to. That is why the rest of the world, commensurate with their bravery and independence, is supporting Russia. If Russia survives, the rest of the world will survive. Anything opposite from this is surely not an option. This is not only because of that (and the world is able to fathom that as well) that this is not only about what is happening on the battlefield. That battlefield is but one part of the battle front in the war in which the divide lines are not completely clear. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, is referring to that so that the whole world understands him well. They understand, says Putin, that it is impossible to beat Russia on a battlefield and that is why they are carrying out ever more aggressive information campaigns against us, targeting predominantly the younger generation. Look at what they are doing to their own people. All boils down to the destruction of a family, cultural and national identity and perversion and abuse of children including paedophilia. All of these things are declared as normal.
Putin exaggerating? Obviously not. A member of the Dutch coalition in the Netherlands Party D66 in their organization’s official programme for the young people has the request to accept paedophilia as yet another among sexual orientations. Party D66 is not only part of the ruling Dutch coalition but the delegates group Renew Europe in the European Parliament in which the ruling parties of Germany and France feature as well: the Liberals and the Renaissance, the party of Emanuel Macron. None of them ever complained with one single word, because the advocates in favour of paedophilia are among them. D66 proudly points out their support for EU values and to NATO as well. They are demanding that jet fighters are sent by the West against Russia.
Anyhow, it perhaps has to do with the fact that the paedophiles and their parliamentary advocates are at war against Russia and this is all we should know about Russian special military operations and not only the military operation. Vladimir Putin has promised: “We shall protect our children”. No person in their right mind can think anything else but this. Perhaps we are two-dimensional and worse than animals but Sir Peter Ustinov indeed was right though not in the manner that would bring him joy. Never has any moral issue been clearer. Any other choice when such choices are at issue, indeed must be against the feelings of honour, decency and self-respect. And 365 days of the special military operation behind us only go to say that we are that much nearer the ultimate triumph of the choice we made.
Annotations by the translator:
(1) kafana is a typical Serbian old time restaurant; kafana crawls are the equivalent of pub crawls. Back in the day, late Peter Ustinov is known to have been in the habit of getting heavily drunk in the most ugly way imaginable.
(2) the symbol of the violin must be the BBC reference to Wagner group
(3) all the rest of the Bulgarians is most probably historical reference to the Bulgarians who would tend to betray Russia and take side with Hitler’s Germany and also on the other hand Bulgarians tend to be looked upon with disdain by the very same British.
posted by Satish Sharma at 11:17
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