Saturday, 18 February 2023

More Questions Arising About Biden’s Promise of “Endless War” in the Ukraine

 • FEBRUARY 17, 2023 

I don’t ever make any predictions because I think it’s silly and pointless for commentators to try to gain credibility by predicting things. However, I do think it is useful, as a trained observer, to lay out potentials and likelihoods.

I’ve been saying for a few weeks now that the Ukraine could well be wrapping up in the medium term. We’ve had a lot of different little signs of this. They’re piling up.

The bottom line is: the war is not serving any US interest anymore. They had a shot to destroy the Russian government and they missed. They screwed up the sanctions. Now they’ve got a boondoggle with no end in sight that is not significantly hurting Russia, but is draining the resources of the US and the collective US-occupied “West.”

Wasting resources hasn’t typically been a problem, which is why so many in Washington are just saying “yeah, whatever.” We wasted trillions in Afghanistan for no reason anyone can even theorize, so why not waste them on a war with Russia?

The first difference is, Russia is destroying and capturing heavy equipment, something that the Taliban did not do. The second difference – and the most important difference – is that the entire Washington establishment is pushing for a war with the Chinese, so these resources are going to be needed elsewhere.


Support among US lawmakers for continuing aid to Ukraine is “fairly robust,” but as the conflict with Russia drags on and the 2024 election approaches, Washington’s backing for Kiev may waver, Newsweek reported on Wednesday.

Members of Congress increasingly view Ukraine aid as “finite,” and more and more of their constituents believe the US is giving too much to Kiev, the media outlet said. “There has been a decline in the share of Americans who see the war as a direct threat to US national security,” University of London professor Rob Singh told Newsweek.

How could anyone stupid enough to believe it was a threat to US national security in the first place ever change their mind?

Who was even making that claim?

All I saw on the media was emotional gibberish about democracy (gay sex).

Even as President Joe Biden and members of his administration continue to publicly pledge support “as long as it takes” for Ukraine to win the conflict, US officials are emphasizing to Ukraine’s leaders in private that “we can’t do anything and everything forever,” the Washington Post reported earlier this week. Newsweek cited the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington think tank, as saying US officials have also signaled to Kiev that Western security aid is “finite.”

The Post said that Biden people were saying the funds are drying up.

Previously, it’s been framed as “others in Washington” pushing back on Biden, but this week the narrative changed to “actually, Biden people are also saying this.”

The shift in mood came after Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in November’s midterm elections. The victory came after Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, now House speaker, said in October that the US would no longer give a “blank check” to Ukraine if his party won House control.

Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida last week introduced a resolution, co-signed by ten of his colleagues, calling for the US to suspend its aid to Ukraine and urge Kiev and Moscow to negotiate a peace deal. Such opposition will make it tougher for strong aid packages to get through Congress, Singh said. He added that the issue will likely become more divisive as former President Donald Trump and other US presidential candidates debate Biden’s aid policy.

I do not think the Republicans having control of the House has anything to do with it. Personally, I do not believe that. War has always been a joint venture of both parties, and Kevin McCarthy is a massive Ukraine shill. He refuses to wear an American flag, but drapes himself in the Ukraine flag.

These shills do what they’re told to do.

Right now, they are likely being told that it’s time to shift the narrative.

So, the Republicans can come in and give the Democrats the reach-around. Democrats have committed themselves to eternal war with Russia for trans rights in the Donbass, but if the Republicans come in and say “oh we want war with the Chinese instead though,” that gives the Democrats a political exit to get on-board with the bigger agenda.

Rogue Republicans are talking about how Biden/McConnell are giving all this money to the Ukraine and leaving the American people with nothing.

Mitch McConnell this week went out and reiterated that the only thing that matters in the world is fighting endless war with Russia, signaling that Americans should stop whining about chemical spills or whatever other stupid problems are happening in their meaningless lives.

Nimrata Randhawa said the same.

I think maybe Matt Gaetz believes that, and wants to give something to Americans, but for the GOP establishment, the only reason they would be against a war against Russia is that they want to promote one against China.

But it might not even happen. This Ukraine thing could just keep going. Even as we’re seeing signs that some in Washington want to pull back, you have these major Republicans out there going hard, you have Victoria Nuland reiterating the State Department commitment to endless war.

It would be in their interests to cut and run, but that doesn’t mean the US government will do it.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)]


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