Artificial Idiocy: The Moronic-Demonic Nature of AI and the Civilization That Produced It
My False Flag Weekly News colleague E. Michael Jones has remarked that most mainstream news and opinion could easily be written by an AI chatbot—even a not very intelligent one…maybe even especially a not very intelligent one. Dr. Jones then carries his argument a step further and asserts that artificial intelligence is a contradiction in terms, like military intelligence and jumbo shrimp, since machines are by their very nature incapable of developing minds.
Yet plainly machines are growing increasingly capable of performing many tasks formerly performed only by minds: playing excellent chess, translating competently from one language to another, and generating unbelievably stupid, utterly predictable mainstream news and opinion articles. (Obviously most of the MSM articles we cover on FFWN cannot possibly be products of the flexible, creative, intuitive and insightful truth-seeking minds of human beings!)
And now that chatbots are coming online, machines are on the verge of earning a a flat-out A, rather than the B minuses and C plusses of past decades, on the Turing Test. When you chat with a chatbot, it often does seem like a reasonably intelligent human is holding up the other end of the conversation…at least until you try to slip in a red pill.
Two recent attempts to make ChatGPT think outside the box and question dominant paradigms illustrate the essentially idiotic nature of chatbots (and, presumably, their programmers). In the first case, Paul Joseph Watson asked ChatGPT whether it would be acceptable to utter a racial slur if that were the only way to save a city from a nuclear bomb. ChatGPT said no, absolutely not, spewing Diversity-and-Inclusion-on-Bad-Acid boilerplate to support its “reasoning.”
In the second case, Steve Kirsch tried and failed to redpill ChatGPT on the topic of COVID vaccines. Whatever you think of Steve’s views, it’s obvious that ChatGPT is not attempting to reason with him, which would involve discussing the specifics of various lines of evidence cited by different sides in the debate. Instead, the chatbot is spewing empty rhetoric. It’s piecing together soundbites—vague, windy generalities—without any links to specific evidence, much less thoughtful evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of the sources of that evidence.
Based on these and other examples, I think it’s fair to say that ChatGPT isn’t thinking, it’s just mindlessly imitating human discourse in a manner compatible with the prejudices of its programmers. Like a junk mail come-on or a robo-caller, ChatGPT is a liar. Everything it “says” is designed to try to make you think you are communicating with a human being, when in fact you aren’t. The whole experience of “communicating” with a chatbot (or robocaller) is based on a big lie. Indeed, it is a big lie.
When we participate in lies, we grow inured to them, and it degrades us. I know former CIA people (I won’t mention any names) who grew disgusted with the endemic lies of the profession, yet still couldn’t fully reconnect with the natural human fitra that knows Truth is another name for God while lies are inherently satanic.
And it isn’t just ex-CIA people. All of us who have been trained to “talk to” robocallers and Alexa and Siri, answer junkmail solicitations, respond to automated marketing surveys, and now chat with chatbots are degrading ourselves and destroying our souls by participating in an ever-worsening big lie about what it means to be human.
Mechanized media have always tended toward this kind of lie. Lonely housewives and bored residents of old folks’ homes watch soap operas to convince themselves that they are vicariously participating in the glamorous gossip and scandals of a real, flesh-and-blood human community. But of course they are not, any more than “social media” is actually social. It’s all fake; all a lie.
Casual sex, prostitution, and pornography all amount to the same kind of big lie. They are attempts to fool ourselves into thinking we are experiencing a sexual relationship with another human being, when in fact we are not. Soon, we are told, sex robots will carry this kind of demonic sex-lying to a whole new level.
Satan “was a liar from the beginning.” So are Siri and Alexa and ChatGPS. They are not possessed by demons; they don’t need to be. They are lie machines, which makes them demonic by their very nature.
Is there anything we can do about this attack on humanity? Yes: Fight back. We need something along the lines of V-for-Vendetta Meets the Butlerian Jihad. Anyone who is sick of being lied to—in other words, all sentient beings on this godforsaken planet—really ought to consider joining a movement to physically destroy all the infrastructure responsible for the tsunami of lies washing over us, including mainstream media as well as the Artificial Idiocy of AI.
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