Saturday, 24 December 2022




Impotence can make men do foolish things and evoke helpless rage. While erectile dysfunction can be resolved, at least temporarily, with the help of a little blue pill, there is no remedy for political impotence other than reality. One example of Western political flacidity is Europe’s decision to impose a new batch on sanctions on Russia, which include trying to muzzle RT. Strong nations that are prevailing in a conflict do not resort to such feckless, useless measures. These are the actions of weaklings.

Let me point you to a couple of articles that reflect the West’s growing frustration and rage. First up, the British Ministry of Defence. It appears they genuinely believe their own propaganda:

The British Ministry of Defence predicts a quiet winter is likely ahead for Ukraine. On its Twitter account, the agency revealed on December 12 that Russia would likely not make further moves in the coming months. And while the objective remains to overtake Donetsk Oblast, an attempt to do so probably won’t occur soon.

The UK Ministry of Defense noted in a December 13 tweet that Putin canceled his annual end-of-the-year press conference. The entity suggested that could have been because there may be a significant “anti-war feeling” in the motherland.

The phrase, “British Intelligence,” should be entered in the Oxford English Dictionary as the exemplar of an oxymoron. Instead of doing real collection and analysis, the Brits (and their American cousins) are grasping at straws and guilty of projection. Growing political opposition to the Special Military Operation is not happening in Russia, but it is building momentum throughout Europe. Repeated claims by British military pundits that Russia is running out of missiles and ammunition is metaphorically destroyed every week when Russia launches a new, literal barrage of missiles on key Ukrainian infrastructure. The Russians are sitting shivering in the dark of electricity deprived apartments. That is the European fate. The Russians are not scrounging for cat food to feed themselves. That is happening in Britain.

Apparently, hopium is the new drug of choice imbibed by the West’s ruling class. Russia has taken Muhammed Ali’s Rope-a-Dope strategy and applied it to the killing fields of Ukraine. Putin’s plan is to let the West punch itself into exhaustion. The Special Military Operation has exposed the frailty and inadequacy of the logistics capability of America and NATO. While U.S. defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are raking in big bucks from new contracts, their ability to produce weapons, like the HIMMARS, in a timely fashion and in sufficient quantities is, as the Germans say, KAPUT!

The West’s desperation for victory is revealed in its frantic but feeble effort to push the meme that Putin is suffering from a grave illness and may be on his last legs:

Vladimir Putin has created renewed concern around his allegedly deteriorating health after the Russian leader abruptly pulled out of an annual ice hockey game this week, has learned.

Putin’s absence from the Night Hockey League, an amateur ice hockey league the Russian president himself created in 2011, marks just the latest high-profile event the 70-year-old struggling leader dropped out of at the last minute in recent weeks. . . .

While sources believe Putin has canceled these events as a result of growing health and security concerns, other critics believe the moves were made to avoid confrontation over the leader’s failing war efforts in Ukraine. . . .

Russian insiders have indicated Putin underwent emergency colon surgery over the weekend after an alleged fall in his Moscow home earlier this month, suggesting his absence from both the end-of-year press conference and annual hockey match was a result of the emergency procedure.

“Putin will have a simple surgical operation,” said one source regarding his alleged emergency procedure last week.

“The fall from the stairs last week, which resulted in a bruised tailbone, did not go unnoticed and caused new problems not directly related to the bruise,” the source added regarding the fall in which Putin “involuntarily defecated” himself as a result of the “cancer affecting his stomach and bowels.”

Let me suggest an alternative explanation. The news about Putin is being put out by Russian intelligence as part of a broader deception operation. Putin gave a speech on Thursday (December 15) and did not appear pallid nor fragile:

In his speech, Putin assessed the current situation in and around the country, and outlined the six main objectives of state policy in 2023, as well as guidelines for future years. At the very beginning of his speech, the head of state noted that the new solutions he proposed were designed to respond to the challenges facing the Russian economy and citizens today, and would allow the country to confidently develop. In particular, he touched on construction and housing, health and demographics, technological sovereignty, finance, the development of new regions of the Russian Federation and other issues. After the president’s speech the meeting continued.

This was not the speech of a sick, desperate, frightened man. At some point in the next weeks or months the West will be forced to concede that it cannot continue pouring billions into Ukraine without inflicting enormous damage on its own economies and people. At that point the memes of Russian weakness and defeat will crumble. NATO faces the real risk of being demilitarized. But it will not be the result of a frontal assault by Russia. Russia will continue doing what it is doing — i.e., pulverizing Western wonder weapons and bleeding the Ukrainian and foreign mercenaries with artillery and missiles.


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