US Must be Held Accountable for Spreading Coronavirus
According to a report recently published by the World Health Organization, the real number of victims of the COVID-19 pandemic is 15 million – almost three times the number previously claimed by official figures. Meanwhile, WHO indicates that 68% of excess deaths are concentrated mainly in a dozen countries. Thus, according to the report, almost half of the unreported deaths occurred in India, where 10 times the official figures, namely 4.7 million people, died.
Although these WHO estimates also take into account deaths caused by the effects of COVID-19 (notably deaths caused by overloaded health services, a lack of tests at the start of the pandemic and poor recording of data in some parts of the world), the world organization’s experts stressed that they believed most people had died directly from the virus.
Suddenly paralyzing the global economy, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge cost: minus seven trillion dollars by the end of 2021, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has calculated. This is comparable with the combined annual budgets of the US ($4.1 trillion) and China ($3.2 trillion). The second quarter of 2021 was the most difficult, when the leading countries faced an unprecedented collapse. For example, GDP in the USA fell by 32.9%, in the EU by 14.4% and in key European countries the decline was double-digit (e.g. minus 21.7% in the UK). To get the economy back on track, governments have invested trillions of dollars in support measures, but this has clearly not been enough. The service sector – entertainment, tourism, hospitality and transport – has been particularly hard hit. A wave of bankruptcies swept across these sectors, resulting in massive job losses, increased poverty and inequality. Emerging economies have been the most at risk. Governments and corporations are running up their debts. Global debt – the total debt of people, companies, financial institutions and governments of all countries – has already reached an estimated $255 trillion, three times the world’s GDP, according to some analysts, and the “debt bomb” could explode. The global financial crisis of 2008, which has been dubbed the “great recession,” pales in comparison to this disaster, analysts say. In this regard, COVID-19 will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century.
The death toll from COVID-19 and the economic losses are particularly horrifying given the emerging expert opinion that the US is to blame for the pandemic.
The confession that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory was made recently by Jeffrey Sachs, professor at Columbia University and chairman of The Lancet medical journal’s coronavirus commission, at a conference in Spain, The Epoch Times’ Truth Over News project reports. As the project host noted, “Moreover, he (Sachs) admits that American biotechnology was used in the creation of the virus.”
In this regard, it should be recalled that work on the coronavirus first came to light in 2014, when the reputable scientific website Nature published a report on research work that led an international team of biologists to create a kind of “chimera” virus. As reported at the time, scientists from US, Chinese and Swiss research centers in a laboratory at the University of North Carolina transferred the surface protein of Chinese bat coronavirus SHC014 to the then-known SARS virus living in the lungs of test mice for modelling purposes. The new hybrid came to biologists just one year later, after which the US government imposed a three-year moratorium on funding any research into SARS and MERS viruses. However, an exception was made for the coronavirus and its research was moved outside the US – to a laboratory in Wuhan, China, funded by the US Agency for International Development.
Then, in December 2017, the same Nature published an article revealing that researcher Shi Zhengli’s team had discovered a population of bats possessing the “genetic building blocks of SARS” in a cave in China’s Yunnan province. In this regard, it is notable that in 2018, representatives of the US Embassy in China visited the Wuhan Institute of Virology and sent an alarming message to Washington that “the laboratory conditions in which bat coronavirus research is conducted do not meet the necessary safety requirements.”
After the pandemic swept the world, the emergence of the COVID-19 virus became a bargaining chip in US political games, attempting to blame the Chinese and shade the activities of US secret biological laboratories engaged in bioweapons research and development for US interests behind these false attacks. In particular, Republicans on the US House Intelligence Committee said in 2021 that there was “circumstantial evidence” that a coronavirus outbreak could allegedly have been caused by a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
However, in January this year, Xinhua News Agency presented a report by the Taihe Institute and a private Chinese think tank, Intelligence & Alliance (IATT), entitled US Responsible for Global Spread of COVID-19, which accused the US of creating and spreading the COVID-19 virus. In particular, this report states: “Data from multiple sources have shown that the United States is most likely the country where COVID-19 originated, and the country most responsible for the fast global spread of the virus. Its political manipulation of the disease has made the global anti-pandemic efforts particularly difficult and challenging.” According to the study by Chinese analysts of US sources, the coronavirus was reported in the US in December 2019 – a month before the officially reported case. For example, a New England Journal of Medicine article published on March 30, 2020 reported on a study of 24 critically ill patients in the US city of Seattle.
Based on their research, Chinese analysts have suggested that the coronavirus was created at a secret Pentagon laboratory at Fort Detrick, where the US pioneered recombinant virus research and has unrivalled capabilities in this field. It was the Pentagon that funded and conducted much research on coronaviruses, until 2015 when Dr Ralph Baric’s team at the University of North Carolina developed the most advanced coronavirus recombination technology and obtained coronavirus genetic sequences from their research in collaboration with the military biological laboratory at Fort Detrick.
But Washington, using its administrative tools, including in the WHO and some of the leading Western media, began artificially blocking these revelations of China, thereby evading responsibility for the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nevertheless, after the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, the Russian military obtained numerous pieces of evidence of biological weapons research in US laboratories located in Ukraine and of human experimentation carried out by “US experts.” All this does not preclude the United States from conducting similar work in the Central Asian states. The numerous publications in the Central Asian media on the emergence of previously unknown infections following the discovery of multiple secret Pentagon-controlled biological laboratories in Central Asia provide some evidence of this.
In May, Russia circulated new evidence to the UNSC on US military and biological activities in Ukraine. “The US Department of Defense is directly involved in the implementation of dangerous biological projects in this country with signs of a covert military and biological program,” Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya stressed at the Security Council meeting on May 13. “Given that the US side refuses to have any constructive discussion on this topic, we plan to invoke the mechanisms envisaged in Articles 5 and 6 of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC),” Nebenzya added.
Since it was the US that was responsible for the spread of the coronavirus, it is obliged to compensate the countries affected by the pandemic. This was stated by Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin on July 6, commenting on the statements by the American scientist and head of the COVID-19 Commission, Jeffrey Sachs, who blamed the US for the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Undoubtedly, the international community must recognize these accusations by Sachs and demand that the United States not only be condemned, but that it halt and declassify US military biological research and compensate the countries affected by the pandemic.
Valery Kulikov, political expert, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
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