When a broken empire warns that “geopolitics is back”, we all know what means

Translated for the Saker Blog from the original text in Portuguese from Geopol.pt

It is clear that a new world will emerge from the current conflict in Ukraine, but this has been known since the Anglo-Saxon Bretton Woods system was declared bankrupt a good three years ago. So I don’t believe there will be any major concessions at this stage of the game from any side, neither from Russia nor from the Anglo-Saxons, who are fighting in Eastern Europe; neither from the Ukrainian pawns, nor the smaller EU pieces, nor even the French and German rooks have a voice in this; they will be used by the queen, committed to defending the king and ready to sacrifice everything for him.

America summons its allies

Convened by US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin, and at the behest of US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, representatives from 40 countries gathered last Tuesday at Ramstein Air Base, US territory in western Germany, to kick off the so-called  Defense Reform Advisory Board of Ukraine, which is scheduled to meet monthly from now on. The aim is clear:  to secure and extend its influence along Russia’s western borders at any cost.

Present were representatives of the 30 NATO countries, the Ukrainian Defence Minister, the Pacific partners (South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand), the Africans from Tunisia, Liberia, Morocco, and Kenya, plus Jordan, Qatar, and Israel on behalf of the Middle East. Why so many seemingly randomly chosen guests is in the realm of speculation.

Austin had just arrived from Kiev, where he had negotiated the delivery of new arms deliveries to Zelensky, among them certainly more than a handful of Javelin and Stinger missiles manufactured by Raytheon Technologies, of which he is on the board and has made himself a millionaire. Austin also made it known that time is of the essence to get even more military assistance to Ukraine, but that the stakes “extend beyond Ukraine – and even beyond Europe”. Do you see the whole picture?

Milley warned that “time is not on Ukraine’s side” and feared that the ongoing Russian operation would be “potentially decisive in the east”, predicting that the coming weeks would be “critical”.

Later, the commander told CNN that “if Russia gets away with it,” then “the so-called international order will also be lost.” So much for the ‘rules-based international order’ that is so much to Washington’s liking, leaving nothing more than a necessary redesign of the Defence architecture in accordance with the new balance of powers. A nuisance for the complex that sucks more than $800 B a year out of the American taxpayer, and for its soldiers, who will no longer be able to roam the world with impunity, as he himself did in Panama, Haiti, Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

He also used the opportunity to distort the words of Sergei Lavrov:  “the danger is serious, it is real, it cannot be underestimated” on the threat of a third world war, accusing the Russian minister of being “completely irresponsible” and of “making nuclear threats”. It is in this blatant fashion that the “truths” are created for the great incautious masses today.

On the other side of the Channel

For her part, the following day in London, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss assembled at the City Mansion House an exquisite representation of that network that so likes to read the tea leaves about the destinies of our continent. Among the pearls that she launched, we should retain and take seriously at least these:

– “Britain has always stood up to bullies. We have always been risk-takers.” The ice-breaking joke of protocol.

– ” We’ve got to double down on our support for Ukraine.”

– “We are already stepping up in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is our war – it is everyone’s war because Ukraine’s victory is a strategic imperative for all of us.”

– “The UK sent weapons and trained Ukrainian troops long before the war started.”

– “We also reject the false choice between Euro-Atlantic security and Indo-Pacific security. In the modern world, we need both.”

– “All of this will require resources.” Nobody doubts that.  After all the taxpayers know that they always end up paying for wars engineered by British elites, with either or both their blood, sweat, or tears.

And in a sudden pearl-clutching burst, Truss even accused China of “rapidly building an army capable of projecting power deep into areas of strategic European interest”, now reaching out to Brussels in what she described as a “Freedom Network” against the illiberal interests of Russia and China. They leave Europe and accuse those who invest in it… Why?

Thus, the head of the FCO called for a strengthening of all alliances, from NATO to the 5-Eyes, through AUKUS and the Joint Expeditionary Force, recognizing that “we need a global NATO” that is able to “prevent threats in the Indo-Pacific” and, among other things, to ensure “that democracies like Taiwan are able to defend themselves”.

For anyone who doubts what she was talking about, she concluded with a “Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, geopolitics is back!”.

This is how a broken empire talks, and we know what that means. The only question that remains is: Who is the queen and who is the king?


