Thursday 5 May 2022

Lula’s Victory at the UN, Victory of Civilization



Now the crime committed by Sergio Moro and his supporters can no longer be unknown. So speaks the news in G1, which previously did not know about the barbarities against former president Lula:

“The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee reported on Thursday (28) that former President Lula (PT) was not guaranteed a fair trial, privacy, with political rights violated in Operation Lava Jato.

The commission also considered that the ‘procedural violations’ of Lava Jato made ‘arbitrary the ban on Lula to run for president’. With this, the UN understood that there was a violation of the former president’s political rights, including the right to run for elections.”

A news of such importance, that should be read on TV like the narration of a free-kick goal by Juninho Pernambucano in a World Cup final, was read with the voice of someone announcing the death of Roberto Carlos. The voice was choked with grief and the face was raw with sorrow and pain. A tragedy. If she could, the reporter would speak like the Bolsonarists: this UN decision is yet another work of international communism.

But the crimes, committed by the then judge Sergio Moro and associated prosecutors, had long been under the noses of the press, who avoided the rotten smell of the trial phases. Nor did the eyes of the media see the invasions of privacy, eavesdropping on lawyers, leaks of intimate images and phrases of Lula. Nor did they hear the righteous words of the brilliant defense lawyers Cristiano Zanin and Valeska Martins. The commentators on television turned a deaf ear.

However, the bias, crime and corruption that the mediocre Sergio Morro claimed to fight, was already glaring here:

In 2018, Lula’s arrest was made under the sentence that he had corrupted himself with the receipt of a Tríplex, even with no proof that he owned it. The convicting sentence was so miserable of evidence, that paragraphs could be copied from anywhere in the document, and the result would be the same. The unreasonings were repeated or only the names of the whistleblowers changed. But always the samba note was one: one whistleblower declared, declared, declared, to infinity. There was “evidence” referring to e-mails, where Zeca Pagodinho meant Lula, Brahma was Lula, Boss was Lula, Madame was Dona Marisa. All the unreasonable reasoning was a labyrinth of comings and goings, backtracking, turns, of fixation in search of a single point: the condemnation of former President Lula.

This was the inquisition the last time Lula testified before the inquisitor of the Brazilian right wing:

“Moro – Mr. ex-president, can you clarify if there was an intention from the beginning to acquire a triplex in the building instead of a single unit?

Lula: There wasn’t at the beginning and there wasn’t at the end. I want to speak, because I have the right to speak that I didn’t request, receive, or pay for an apartment that they say is mine.

Moro: There was never the intention of acquiring this tríplex?

Lula: There was never the intention of acquiring the tríplex.

Moro: Here, you have an adhesion proposal, subject to approval, regarding the same property. This was signed by Mrs. Marisa Leticia, I’ll show it to you here.

Lula: When is this date here?

Moro: April 1, 2005. There is in this document, I don’t know if you have checked, an erasure. The number 174, corresponding to the tríplex in that same building, was erased and the number 141 was placed on top of it. This document that the Federal Police found to have been erased, do you know who erased it?

Lula: The Federal Police haven’t found out who did it? No. So when they find out, you can tell me, I want to know.

Moro: Here, there is an agreement for a three-bedroom duplex in this building in Guarujá, unit 174 A, which later became triplex 164 A when the development was transferred to OAS. Can I show you the document?

Lula: Signed by whom?

Moro: … The signature is blank…

Lula: Then you can keep it, please!

And with this evidence, finally, the judge gave the sentence: “I condemn Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva”.

About a corruption similar to that of Sergio Moro, who pretended morality, the great José Carlos Ruy well pointed out in Dicionário Machado de Assis:

“Nóbrega – He was an alms collector for the Church. He met Natividade and Perpétua in Rua de São José when they went to consult Bárbara. He kept the 2 thousand réis note that Natividade gave as alms. He applied and multiplied the money. A few months later, he stopped being an alms collector and changed careers. He left the city; when he returned, he had a couple of thousand contos de réis, which his fortune doubled, redoubled and tripled. He made money in speculation, in the ‘encilhamento’. He was someone else; his features were not the same, but the ones that time came to compose and improve him. (Esau and Jacob, 1904)”.

The brilliant Machado de Assis Dictionary, by José Carlos Ruy, is still waiting to be published by Editora Anita Garibaldi.


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