Thursday 12 May 2022

Biden Says He Could Drop Some China Tariffs to Lower Prices of Consumer Goods


US consumers and companies have born the brunt of tariffs imposed by President Trump

by Dave DeCamp 

On Tuesday, President Biden said he was considering lifting some tariffs on Chinese goods to lower consumer prices as Americans are facing over 8% inflation rates, a 40-year high.

“We’re discussing that right now,” Biden said when asked if he was going to drop China tariffs. “We’re looking at what would have the most positive impact.”

Biden has maintained the Trump-era tariffs on Chinese goods despite the fact that study after study has shown US companies and consumers are bearing the brunt of the cost.

Responding to Biden’s comments, China urged the president to lift the tariffs and end the trade war. “The data indicates that the trade war does nobody any good. It is time for the US government to reconsider and remove the tariffs as soon as possible,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday.

Zhao said that US exports to China have dropped to levels below the rate they were at before the trade war started in 2018. “There is no winner in a trade war or tariff war. The US’ unilateral tariffs imposed against China do not help us, nor do they benefit the US or the world,” he said.

Last week, US Trade Representative Katherine Tai began a review of 25% US tariffs on Chinese goods that were imposed under Section 310 of the Trade Act of 1974. Section 301 requires a review of tariffs every four years, during which US industries that benefit from the measures can ask for them to be extended.


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