Monday 2 May 2022

ACLU Worries That Elon Musk Might Allow Free Speech on Twitter

 • MAY 1, 2022 

 Video Link

It wasn’t so long ago that the American Civil Liberties Union represented the free speech wing of the free speech party. Even today, on the ACLU’s own website, you can read their self-congratulatory commemoration of their brave “free speech even for Nazis” moment:

In 1978, the ACLU took a controversial stand for free speech by defending a neo-Nazi group that wanted to march through the Chicago suburb of Skokie , where many Holocaust survivors lived. The notoriety of the case caused some ACLU members to resign, but to many others the case has come to represent the ACLU’s unwavering commitment to principle.

Unwavering commitment to principle?! I don’t think so. In fact, saying the ACLU has “wavered” is an understatement. They’ve collapsed…cratered…surrendered…and decided to love Big Brother. In one of the most disgusting stories covered on False Flag Weekly News this week, the venerable defenders of free speech even for Nazis in Skokie decried the potential “hate speech” that might result if “free speech absolutist” Elon Musk fires the Twitter censors.

The ACLU, of all people, should know that the Constitution does not make an exception for so-called hate speech. Goose-stepping brownshirts carrying swastika flags through Skokie might be considered hate speech, or at least hated speech, but that doesn’t mean such marches should be outlawed. On the contrary, unpopular disturbing speech deserves the most protection—assuming it doesn’t violate laws against libel, slander, threats, “fighting words,” and the other exceptions to protected speech that have been worked out during the long history of First Amendment jurisprudence.

As the ACLU surely knows, there is far less reason to ban hate speech on Twitter than to ban Nazis from marching in Skokie. Unlike the Skokie goose-steppers, who forced their message on neighborhood residents who didn’t want to see or hear it but couldn’t avoid it, people posting offensive protected speech on Twitter are not bothering anyone but the people who choose to read their Tweets. If you don’t want to see Trump’s smarmy obnoxious Twitter narcissism, don’t subscribe to Trump. If you can’t handle the Babylon Bee calling a gender-confused man a man, don’t subscribe to the Bee. Neither Trump nor the Bee are marching through your neighborhood chanting their disturbing messages over a bullhorn and waving signs saying disturbing things. They are tweeting out messages only to those who want to receive them.

Apparently the ACLU doesn’t think you have the right to communicate through Twitter with people who want to hear what you have to say…at least not if your views don’t adhere to the liberal oligarchs’ party line. So don’t complain to the ACLU if the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Squad kicks down your door because you tweeted something favorable about Vladimir Putin. Don’t laugh—it’s already happening in Ukraine:

But wait—did you say DHS has a Disinformation Squad? That’s right. It’s led by a Mary Poppins wannabe named Nina Jankowicz who enjoys singing about how anyone who disagrees with her must be Russian.

So when the DHS goons kick in your door because they don’t like your Twitter comments, will they sing songs from Julie Andrews musicals while they’re dragging you off to the dungeon in the basement beneath the basement of the American equivalent of the Azovstol Pain Factory in Mariupol? “Stop, please stop! I’ll do anything, I’ll say anything, just stop singing that hideous song!” you will scream.

But there will be nobody there to hear you. And nobody to read your Tweets as you cry out in muffled screams of indescribable suffering in 280 characters or less.

And don’t even think of complaining to the ACLU.            

(Republished from Substack by permission of author or representative)


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