Sunday 6 March 2022

Why Is Putin in Ukraine?


By Renee Parsons

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.


Despite brave words from western leaders, there is no doubt that the current old world globalist order is at a crossroads.

With its organized planetary bioweapon attack meant to usher in the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum’s ideology is now shattered as Russia has refused to abide by the old neo-con rules of US economic and military hegemony. With the birth of a new geo-political order, Russia’s pre-emptive strike as a response to Ukraine, heavily armed by NATO and US weapons as military escalation increased, the balance of power has irrevocably shifted.

With elements of a mini-replay of WWII with the Russians pitted against the Nazis, WW III may have begun but not yet in the most horrific way that had been anticipated. ‘The west’ led by the US and UK, using Ukraine as their whipping boy, believed it their God-given right to militarily and economically harass Russia, to challenge their right to exist as a free and unfettered nation of the world. Those days are forever over.

As expected, while the American corporate media proves itself genetically incapable of presenting an accurate picture of what is happening in Ukraine, Americans are no more able to have a rational thought about Russia or its president Vladimir Putin than their demonizing about Donald Trump.

Throughout much of the twentieth century, Americans have been unable to think for themselves as they continue to follow the prescribed script exactly as the discredited globalists dictate reality. Their impressions remain deeply ingrained and embedded that no amount of logic or rational facts can reach beyond an illogic hatred or a willingness to consider any other position. Given that Americans choose to remain ‘stuck’ in a baseless posture, they are forever lost to mature, intellectual, analytical reasoning.

The fact is that the Russian-Ukraine border dispute is no business of the US or any other government. As former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard put it ‘all this could have been avoided if the Biden Administration had acknowledged Russia’s legitimate border security requests.

On February 24, Putin announced a ‘special operation’ to “demilitarize and denazify” Ukraine with the intent to target and disable Ukraine’s military infrastructure, that the civilian population was not in danger (and remain able to leave the country) and that there is no intention to ‘occupy’ Ukraine but that NATO will not be allowed to establish military installations that threaten the Russian border.

Putin recently acknowledged the long time request for self-declared independence establishing the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as he formally accepted their return to Russia. That declaration immediately conferred  military protection which allowed the Russian military to act in their defense.

Russia is being portrayed as if they are taking significant losses when in truth they have not yet committed a full strength Russian Army to the struggle. Russia is conducting the war with precision strikes not as the Pentagon which would totally irrevocably destroy every inch of Ukraine and its populated cities; to take every structure, every water plant, every electrical tower, every sign of civilization and culture to the ground. Putin is pursuing a strategy of encircling the adversary rather than wiping them out in one attack; it’s called a Siege. Putin’s goal is to take Ukraine intact and to create a functioning country that does not bully its neighbor.

Since 2014, when the Obama Administration provided the diplomatic muscle to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych who resisted EU and NATO membership, Russia had sought a security agreement that would protect its ancestral borders. He was attempting to ensure the earlier promise to Gorbachev that there would be no NATO move to the east. As former Eastern Block and Baltic countries were admitted to NATO, Ukraine remained neutral and non-militarized.

After the coup, the Azov Brigade, descendants of Nazi leftovers from WW II who remained in Ukraine after the war, took over the Kiev government as it sought to eliminate the indigenous Russian-speaking population by inflicting a steady barrage of violence and conflict with continued artillery and mortar shelling of schools in the Donbass province killing 14,000 people (UN estimate) including an estimated fifty victims who were trapped inside a locked union hall in Odessa. The people of Odessa recently celebrated the arrival of Russian forces in Ukraine by hoisting and cheering the Russian Flag.

In the intervening years since the 2014 coup, the US thumbed its nose as if it owned the world, its supremacy unparalleled as it dared any country to challenge its dominance. As events in Ukraine intensified, there has also been a history of US and UK naval destroyers repeatedly  traversing the Black Sea for no reason other than as a deliberate provocation and to intimidate Russia as they sail in violation of Russian sovereignty within ten nautical miles of its borders as if daring a military response.

Also of some urgency is confirmation that the US Embassy in Ukraine is home to as many as fifteen US-sponsored bioweapon labs under the Pentagon’s Biologic Threat Reduction Program which has a $2.1 Billion budget.

For a complete report on more than you ever wanted to know about the US bioweapon labs in Georgia and Ukraine, scroll down for “Pentagon Biolabs Spread Disease in Ukraine.”

Any inquiring mind might ask why would the US Pentagon choose to establish numerous bioweapon labs and conduct bioweapon experiments at obscure locations like the Ukraine and Georgia other than for that very reason.  They are obscure locations with an expendably insignificant population.  They are locations where few people know or care what experiments are being conducted or whether leaks are occurring or if any of the labs are conducting the highly controversial ‘gain of function’ experiment as at Wuhan, China.

Putin’s option has been to take the action he did to protect Russia’s history and sovereignty or to kneel before Klaus Schwab and relinquish every notion of a Russian nation just as the Biden Administration chose to open its southern border to any terrorists with an agenda other than getting a job.


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Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She can be found at

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.


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