Unhinged American Psychos Condemn India for Not Supporting Total War Against Russia
The United States government is the king of the entire earth.
They can force anyone to do anything, because of the strength of their values.
No one is allowed to disagree with American wars. If people try to disagree with democracy wars, we will threaten and destroy them. That’s not just our values – that’s who we are.
India’s refusal to cast aside its longstanding friendship with Russia over the war in Ukraine is “unsatisfactory,” US diplomat Mira Rapp-Hooper told an online conference hosted by the School of Advanced International Studies, while admitting it was also “unsurprising.”
Rapp-Hooper, director for the Indo-Pacific region on the White House’s National Security Council, was specifically referring to India’s recent votes at the United Nations, where it has declined to come out against Russian actions in Ukraine and remained silent in the Security Council votes on the matter.
“I think we would certainly all acknowledge and agree that when it comes to votes at the UN, India’s position on the current crisis has been unsatisfactory, to say the least. But it’s also been totally unsurprising,” she said on Friday.
While explaining that India had strengthened its ties with Russia for its own safety as its relationship with China deteriorated, the American diplomat suggested the country was now thinking “long and hard” about its decision to cozy up to Moscow and suggested the US should focus on providing India with “options.” This she characterized as “providing for its strategic autonomy,” though her approach seemed aimed at driving India directly into the arms of the US and NATO rather than giving it any ‘autonomy’ in the matter.
Rapp-Hooper suggested Washington not stop at trying to talk India out of buying Russian armaments, noting that “we have a number of partners that have chosen to keep their chips in with Russia, in terms of their defense procurement, in part as a hedge against China.” These countries are now rethinking those decisions and need replacements for those weapons systems, she said, implying the US should guide them toward purchasing its own systems or those built by allies.
This is a total mischaracterization and/or misunderstanding of the situation.
Everyone on earth is shocked by what they’ve seen the US do in the last month, in terms of all of these violations of international law actions against Russia – many of them unbelievable, such as just randomly seizing billions of dollars’ worth of property because people hold Russian passports – over a border skirmish that does not violate international law.
You can say whatever you want about the concept of international law, but it is the basis upon which nations form relationships with each other. When a country demonstrates that they are willing to completely dump any pretense of abiding by international law, ostensibly in the name of a moral panic, no one is going to trust that country.
The US is now viewed as a rogue state. Not only did they violate all of this law that has been established since the end of World War I, but they are purposefully prolonging a conflict, outright refusing diplomacy, and saying that they are going to fight for decades, again, based ostensibly on nothing more concrete than moral outrage.
If you’re in a business arrangement with a party and they very publicly start belligerently violating contracts with another party, and then look at you and demand that you agree with these actions, you’re going to do everything you can to get out of your partnership with that party.
Framing this as “India is just against China” is utterly nonsensical. As we reported, the top Chinese diplomat just flew to India to attempt to mend relations, in light of the recent actions by the United States. India also knows that China and Russia are BFF, so imagining that India thinks they are going to use Russia to fight China is ridiculous.
The US cannot admit anything that is going on. They cannot admit that they are effectively building an Iron Curtain around themselves and the states they directly control in Europe by belligerently alienating the entire rest of the world.
Furthermore, no one wants to say it, but the way the US is structuring these sanctions, anyone who doesn’t cut ties with Russia is eventually going to face the same sanctions – if they go through with this plan as it is laid out. That is an Iron Curtain.
If the US adds these same sanctions to China and India, they will be cutting all ties with two of the top five economies in the world – and also taking these lunatic actions against them, cutting them off from the dollar system, stealing all of their property, and forcing them to default on debt.
What you are witnessing is a ruling class that has completely lost its mind.
None of these objectives they are putting forth make any sense.
Lying About Everything Can Only Get You So Far
You can’t run a system completely based on lies for very long. Aside from the fact that no one will trust you, you have the fact that a system based on everyone lying to each other cannot be internally cohesive.
How many people in the government even understand what is actually going on? Sure, they can have backroom meetings and secret email groups and so on, but the government is a big body with a lot of people required to work together.
And they are not just lying to the public and the world at large – they are lying to each other. There is no greater example than Afghanistan. The Pentagon and State Department said that the “Afghan government” would stand for at least six months. They were off by 5 months and 29 days. The politicians obviously believed these lies – there is no possible reason they would have done what they did if they didn’t believe those lies.
The reason that they have all these liars telling them lies is that they fire people who tell the truth.
So, do US political figures understand India’s motivations in backing away from the US? Or do they believe people in think tanks who think India’s main concern is that they have more weapons to fight the Chinese?
I have no idea. And most people in the government have no idea. Even if you are in the government and understand the dynamics, you don’t know how many other people in the government understand those dynamics.
It’s just not feasible to have a government, or any large institution, that is so totally based on lies as the current Western system last very long. Right now, the West is running on fumes. A machine was built by serious people, and it is now being managed by unhinged lunatics, morons, and unrepentant fiends. They are crashing the ship.
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