Thursday 3 March 2022

Ukraine, John Mearsheimer, and Unexploded Intellectual Bombs

  FEBRUARY 26, 2022 

Two weeks ago Mike Whitney published a strong article on the under-reported German economic factors behind the Ukraine Crisis and it suddenly went super-viral, reaching 500,000 pageviews before its traffic began subsiding. The sudden Russian invasion of Ukraine, producing Europe’s worst war in three generations, immediately revived its readership, which has now passed 700,000 pageviews, an absolutely astonishing result for a small alternative media website such as ours.

Although chance factors probably help determine why particular articles or videos may reach such stratospheric heights, the shocking developments in Russia and Ukraine have elevated many such items, especially those providing an informed perspective differing from that of our lockstep mainstream media and academic worlds. Our own website traffic over the last week or two has easily broken all records.

We have hardly been alone. For example, consider the case of Prof. John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, one of America’s most distinguished political scientists. His scholarly scruples against conforming to the dictates of reigning DC dogmas have led to his exclusion from most of the mainstream and elite media. This seems a very close parallel to the fate suffered two decades ago by my old friend Bill Odom, the three-star general who had run the NSA for Ronald Reagan, and was similarly blacklisted by the media for his strong opposition to our disastrous Iraq War. Over the decades, numerous other academic and journalistic giants have been purged from media visibility for such reasons.

However, technological changes have now transformed this informational landscape. Ten or fifteen years ago, Prof. Mearsheimer probably would have disappeared from public attention, with a media blockade ensuring that his candid views of the true origins of the Russia-Ukraine conflict were heard by merely a handful, but today, the Internet provides a powerful alternative distribution channel.

Over the years, he had given numerous lengthy public lectures on the folly of American foreign policy, including our particular errors on Ukraine. These quietly sat on Youtube like unexploded intellectual bombs until recent events suddenly detonated them with enormous force. His excellent 75m lecture from six years ago spiked in popularity over the last few weeks and has been watched an astonishing 9.6 million times. His other lectures and presentations, some of them very recent, have drawn additional millions of viewers, allowing this lone independent scholar to project a global intellectual influence that can rival those of our leading ideological gatekeepers such as the New York TimesCNN, and NPR.


Meanwhile, the same sudden conflagration in Ukraine may have helped temporarily delay the detonation of certain other intellectual bombs.

At the beginning of this month I had begun doing my first video podcast interviews, outlining the details of my American Biowarfare Hypothesis on the origins of the global Covid outbreak, and a couple of them quickly began to go viral. Within days, Kevin Barrett’s 15m FFWN Rumble video outlining the “Smoking Gun” case for American responsibility had reached 50,000 views, and my earlier two hour discussion with Red Ice had passed 35,000 views, with each of these representing huge spikes relative to most of the other videos in their series. My first podcast interview, an hour-long Youtube session on Geopolitics & Empire, had also generated very strong viewership:

 Video Link

 Video Link

I have been told that these videos compellingly summarize my very extensive written material, and they quickly reached well over 100,000 people, probably most of whom had never previously encountered this important factual information.

However, the sudden outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war immediately absorbed all attention, delaying the possibility that these videos might continue their growth and reach their full potential audience. But just as in the case of Prof. Mearsheimer’s lectures of the last half-dozen years, they remain massive unexploded intellectual bombs, which could detonate at any future point, especially if our new Cold War with Russia and China continues to grow hotter.

If and when Americans and other Westerners begin to absorb the reality that the massive deaths and disruption of our global Covid outbreak were very likely the result of a biowarfare attack by rogue elements of our own Deep State, America’s political regime will probably fall. So if these videos were to reach the global penetration of Mike Whitney’s recent article, the world might begin to change in important ways.

I’ll close by repeating my bullet-point summary of the analysis timeline presented in those videos and previously documented in my long series of articles:

  1. Over the decades America has spent $100 billion creating the world’s largest biowarfare capability.
  2. In 2017 Trump brought on board Robert Kadlec, who since the late 1990s had been America’s leading biowarfare advocate.
  3. In 2018 and 2019 mysterious viral epidemics devastated China’s poultry and pork industries, severely damaging China’s food supply.
  4. From January to August 2019, Kadlec ran the Federal/State “Crimson Contagion” exercise in which our government officials practiced their strategies of protecting American society from infection by a hypothetical dangerous respiratory virus that might suddenly appear in China.
  5. In late October 2019, 300 American military servicemen visited Wuhan to participate in the World Military Games.
  6. In late October/early November, Patient Zero in Wuhan became infected with Covid. The virus spread invisibly until the Chinese government discovered its presence near the end of December. The Chinese government finally reacted in early/mid-January.
  7. In early January 2020, America assassinated Iran’s top military leader, with the retaliatory Iranian missile strike nearly leading to war.
  8. In mid/late January 2020, the Wuhan virus suddenly jumped 3,500 miles to the Holy City of Qom, soon infecting Iran’s top political elites, with a number of them dying as a consequence. By February, Iran had become the second global epicenter of the Covid outbreak despite having a negligible Chinese population, while the later outbreaks in Italy and Spain were in locations with hundreds of thousands of Chinese.
  9. In early March 2020, the Iranian government publicly accused America of having launched a biowarfare attack with Covid against Iran and China, with a formal complaint being submitted to the UN. However, virtually no Western media reported those accusations, so almost no Americans became aware of them.
  10. In early April, four intelligence sources told ABC News that a secret November DIA report had described a “potentially cataclysmic” disease outbreak taking place in Wuhan, but this had been ignored by the Trump Administration. Israeli TV confirmed that Israel and NATO allies had received that report, which had been produced “in the second week of November.” But according to best current estimates, at that point only perhaps a dozen people were starting to feel a little sick in Wuhan, a city of 11 million.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


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