Monday, 14 March 2022

The political hypocrisy in the West is normal behavior!



ukraine war peace

The Ukrainian president’s suggestion that peace talks with Russia held in Jerusalem should be ridiculous. He does not want the Russians to occupy his country, so he calls for a meeting in an already occupied country.

This, In addition to the fact that the Ukrainian president is Zionist par excellence and supported the Zionist state in its recent war on Gaza. Yet he wants a peace meeting in an occupied city.

The (legitimacy) of the Zionist entity comes from two sources, the imposition of facts by force, terrorism, and the Western hypocrisy that supports it.

Zionist terrorism has been going on for more than seven decades and is documented in a way that cannot be hidden.

Western hypocrisy has a long history that began with the extermination of the (primitive) indigenous peoples in North and South America (to civilize them) to modern times, as happened in Afghanistan and Iraq (to spread the democracy in these countries).

When hypocrisy becomes a normal behavior and part of the political culture, it becomes sometimes difficult to detect it on average days, except when a situation like Ukrainian happens which uncover the true face of the West. We see how the position of the West has changed 180 degrees. And we see hypocrisy manifested in the most transparent picture.

There is no first-class occupation or second class occupation.

Occupation is the highest form of international terrorism, and all attempts to mitigate this definition are hypocrisy, nothing more, nothing less.

We must not stop accusing the West of hypocrisy and double standards because there is no value of international law, which is a Western made in the first place ,if it is applied selectively.

What is apartheid, then? It is to apply different laws to different people in a similar situation. Isn’t this the western policy that everyone sees?

Salim Nazzal is a Palestinian Norwegian  researcher, lecturer playwright and poet, wrote more than 17 books such as Perspectives on thought, culture and political sociology, In thought, culture and ideology, The road to Baghdad


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