Tuesday 1 March 2022

Why Progressive Lawmakers in the US Must Call for the Impeachment of Joe Biden



TO: Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar,  Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush

On February 11th, US President Joe Biden announced that the United States will steal seven billion dollars of Afghanistan’s currently frozen assets. This act of theft guarantees the collapse of Afghanistan’s central bank, and an increase in instability and the starvation of perhaps the most stricken people on earth.

Over the past twenty years, the death toll from the US war in Afghanistan may well be in the low millions. Rather than pay reparations to the victims of the US occupation, the US is sadistically punishing the victims through deliberate economic warfare. One hardly needs to be a legal expert to know that impunity for these acts is not allowed under US or international law. Biden’s action is both inhumane and lawless.

We call on you, US legislators who have been widely hailed as progressive, to immediately call for the impeachment and prosecution of Joe Biden for crimes against humanity. As you are well aware, both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were impeached for acts that do not begin to equal the depravity of what Biden has unleashed against the Afghan people. Surely, elected representatives in a democracy who say they are breaking the mold should articulate such a demand.


John Pilger, journalist, filmmaker, Australia
Professor Dr. Alfred de Zayas, Geneva
Caitlin Johnstone, author, Australia
Joe Emersberger, author, Canada
Justin Podur, author, Canada
Kim Ives, journalist, United States
Lucas Koerner, academic, United States



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