Friday 11 March 2022

Biowar World War 3: Has It Already Started?

Kevin Barrett interviews Ron Unz


Russia and China have accused the US of riddling Ukraine—and the world—with biological weapons. Both nations are echoing (between the lines) Iran’s charge that the US unleashed the COVID-19 pandemic in a botched biological attack on Wuhan and Qom. Are we already in the middle of BioWW3?!

 Video Link


Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has “Biological Research Facilities,” Worried Russia May Seize Them

Russia Tells the US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”

Ron Unz’s ebook on COVID’s origin in a US bio-attack on China and Iran

Note: The ABC News report “US intelligence agencies warned of virus in November “and a few seconds of Ruth B’s song “World War 3” are included in this video under the Fair Use doctrine protecting creative expression. The meaning of both cited works has been adapted to the argument advanced in this video, and thus substantially altered for creative purposes in accordance with the Fair Use provision.      


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