Wednesday 9 February 2022

Oxfam Response to Pfizer Revenue Figures

 Oxfam intl large

For Immediate Release


+1 617 482 1211 (Toll-free 1-800-77-OXFAM)




In response to the publication of Pfizer’s financial results on COVID-19 vaccine sales for last year and projections for its COVID-19 vaccine and antiviral pill this year, Oxfam’s Robbie Silverman made the following statement:

“Pfizer’s results today are clear evidence of how the company has used its monopoly to enrich its shareholders at the expense of almost half the world’s population, who still have no access to lifesaving vaccines.

“Thousands of people in Africa are dying every day from COVID because companies like Pfizer have prioritized profits over saving lives. And it’s paying off for Pfizer, raking in as much as $1 million every hour in profit. 

“It is obscene that we have allowed pharmaceutical companies to put their profits before the good of humanity as the pandemic drags on. No corporations should decide who lives and who dies.”


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