Saturday 5 February 2022

House Passes Massive $250 Billion China Competition Bill


The legislation would subsidize semiconductor manufacturing

by Dave DeCamp 

The House on Friday passed a massive spending bill aimed to boost the US’s ability to compete with China.

The America COMPETES Act is an over $250 billion spending bill. Of that amount, $52 billion would go towards domestic semiconductor production, $45 billion would be to improve supply chains, and $160 billion would go towards scientific research. The legislation also includes several amendments to increase US support and cooperation with Taiwan.

The bill passed by 222-210 in a vote that fell along party lines. Only one Republican voted in favor of the bill, and only one Democrat voted against it. Republicans are in favor of a sweeping piece of legislation to counter China but don’t think this version is tough enough.

“The generational threat of the Chinese Communist Party is a test not only for our national security but for American values. Sadly, this bill fails that test,” said Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX).

The Senate passed its own version of the bill last June, which received more support from Republicans. The legislation will now go to a House-Senate conference where changes will be made to gain bipartisan support.

President Biden released a statement in support of the bill when the Senate passed its version and is expected to sign the legislation once it reaches his desk. Biden said the massive bill would help the US in its competition with China to “win the 21st century.”


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