Friday 21 January 2022

'Havana Syndrome' - CIA Can Not Rule Out That Cuban Crickets Chirped Russian


The CIA is using its mop-up man, NBC News 'reporter' Ken Dilanian, to refute a hoax it itself had created six years ago and which the mop-up man had long promoted:

CIA says 'Havana Syndrome' not result of sustained campaign by hostile power

In a new intelligence assessment, the CIA has ruled out that the mysterious symptoms known as Havana Syndrome are the result of a sustained global campaign by a hostile power aimed at hundreds of U.S. diplomats and spies, six people briefed on the matter told NBC News.

In about two dozen cases, the agency cannot rule out foreign involvement, including many of the cases that originated at the U.S. Embassy in Havana beginning in 2016. Another group of cases is considered unresolved. But in hundreds of other cases of possible symptoms, the agency has found plausible alternative explanations, the sources said.

This site has called out the CIA's bullshitting about the claimed 'Havana syndrome' on several occasions. To recap:

In the autumn of 2016 U.S. diplomats stationed in Cuba started to complain about being affected by some mysterious noise. Twenty four embassy staff and family claimed a bizarre list of symptoms - from headaches, dizziness and sleeping difficulties to problems with balance, vision and hearing. Doctors were not sure what affected these people. There were all kinds of speculations about a mysterious 'sonic weapons' with which the diplomats were 'attacked', but no convincing evidence was found.

Cuba fully cooperated with an FBI investigation into the mystery. Scientist dispelled the idea of a 'sonic weapon' attack. The medical evidence turned out to be dubious. Nevertheless anti-Cuban politicians in the U.S. successfully used the issue to pressure the White House to penalize the country. The Trump administration recalled 60% of its embassy personal in Havana and expelled Cuban diplomats from the embassy in Washington. It issued a travel warning for its citizens going to Cuba and stopped issuing visas for Cubans in Havana.

The investigation continued. Some recordings of the mysterious noise were made and doctors played various of these to the affected persons. The patients confirmed that the sound was like the noise that had bothered them. On October 17 2017 those sound files were given to the Associated Press and published (vid). In its report on the files the AP noted that:

It sounds sort of like a mass of crickets.

The Cuban government and its scientist analyzed those sound files and compared them with known sound sources in Cuba. On October 27 2017 they published their conclusions. The results were also handed to U.S. investigators. The AP reported the Cuban finding:

Officials with Cuba’s Interior Ministry said that U.S. investigators had presented them with three recordings made by presumed victims of sonic attacks and that analysis of the sounds showed them to be extremely similar to those of crickets and cicadas that live along the northern coast of Cuba.

“It’s the same bandwidth and it’s audibly very similar,” said Lt. Col. Juan Carlos Molina, a telecommunications specialist with the Interior Ministry. “We compared the spectrums of the sounds and evidently this common sound is very similar to the sound of a cicada.”


The mop-up man claims that the 'agency cannot rule out foreign involvement, including many of the cases that originated at the U.S. Embassy in Havana beginning in 2016.'. Does that mean that the Cuban crickets were maybe trained to chirp in Russian?

The President Donald Trump first blamed Cuba for the cricket attack. In May 2018 the State Department suddenly accused China of the attacks. In September 2018 that changed to Russia.

Last year the CIA removed its station chief in Vienna because he had mocked some of his people who claimed to have a 'Havana syndrome' when they probably had a hangover or were a bit overworked:

The sidelining of the station chief in one of the largest and most prestigious CIA posts is expected to send a message that top agency leaders must take seriously any reports of “Havana Syndrome,” the phenomenon named after the Cuban capital where U.S. diplomats and intelligence officers had first reported unusual and varied symptoms, from headaches to vision problems and dizziness to brain injuries, that started in 2016.

In recent months, the Austrian capital has become a hotbed of what the CIA officially calls “anomalous health incidents.” The ouster of the CIA station chief comes as the State Department’s top official overseeing Havana Syndrome cases leaves her position after six months.

The department said Ambassador Pamela Spratlen was exiting because she had “reached the threshold of hours of labor” permitted under her status as a retiree. But she faced calls for her resignation after a teleconference with victims who had asked a question about an FBI study that determined the illnesses had a psychological origin rather than a physical one.

The 'Havana syndrome' was always, as the CIA now admits, pure nonsense. All people at times feel unwell for a myriad of issues. There was no reason to speculate that it was the result of some foreign directed weapon. The former agents and diplomats who now ask for compensation for that should be laughed at.

That all was pretty obvious from the onset. The claim of a microwave attack or use of a similar physical phenomenon never made sense. While it is possible to use microwaves to make people 'hear' something under laboratory conditions all efforts to produce weapons from that effect have failed.

Over some distance it would need a gigantic directional microwave set and lots of energy to make people 'hear' something and to make them feel bad. (Radiation power density, such as watts per square centimeter, is reduced by the square of the distance from the source.) Even if it were possible to build that into a truck size vehicle it would never be possible to get the very same noise someone would 'hear' from it on tape.

If one can record the sound that makes people feel bad it must be the real sound that does that.

No propaganda can change that fact.

But still, Russia, China and Cuba must be blamed. Just wait for the CIA will now come up with some other nonsense to do just that.

Posted by b on January 20, 2022 at 15:34 UTC | Permalink


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