Hunter Biden's Story Could Help Hillary Clinton To Become Vice President
moon of alabama
The recently revealed business deals of Hunter Biden will strongly influence politics after an eventual Joe Biden win in tomorrows election.
On October 15 the New York Post published a story on Hunter Biden based on data from a laptop Joe Biden's son had left with a repair shop. The Biden family has not disputed that the laptop or the data on it is genuine. Next to the porn on the laptop there were thousand of emails which describe shady deals with a (now defunct) large Chinese energy company, CEFC.
Twitter, Facebook and other media like the Intercept tried to prevent the distribution of the story. They falsely claimed that the information was 'hacked' or unproven. The censorship inevitably made the story more prominent and increased the number of people who learned of it.
A week after the NY Post story ran Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, went public with further allegations against him:
Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, said Wednesday night that he can confirm details regarding his overseas business dealings, including that a reference to a “Big Guy” in a May 13, 2017 email did, in fact, refer to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.In a lengthy statement, Bobulinski identified himself as the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings, a firm he described as “a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family.” He added that Hunter Biden and James Gilliar, another business associate, brought him on as CEO of the venture.
“Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing,” Bobulinski said. “I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”
A number of outlets have each carried various snippets of the whole story of Hunter Biden's very profitable dealings with foreign companies. That has created a confusing picture. Stephen McIntyre, who has done useful investigative research on climate change, Russiagate, and the OPCW shenanigans in Syria, has thankfully created a 19 pages long timeline with all the Biden-China evidence that has so far seen the daylight. He writes:
The Biden family was involved in two major Chinese deals:Nearly all of the interesting texts and emails from 2017 and Bobulinski’s information are limited to this second deal. These were only a small fraction of sleazy transactions by Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and associates. Concurrent with this affair were transactions in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia as well as participation in major frauds by John Galanis and Jason Sugarman in which Archer (but not so far, Hunter Biden) have been convicted. The texts and emails have been released in a piecemeal and disorganized way. In this article, I’ll attempt to re-assemble a narrative of events for the CEFC affair.
- a carried stake in Bohai Harvest Partners Investment Fund. Their interest in this deal began in 2013. Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and James Bulger each had 10% interests. This fund is still active. Bobulinski was not involved in this deal.
- a second deal initiated in 2017 in which the Bidens received $5 million from Chinese energy company CEFC and/or its officers. CEFC had, in a short period, become a huge company and, even more quickly, disintegrated. This second deal was the one involving Patrick Ho, who was arrested in Nov 2017 in US for corruption, Gongwen Dong and its chairman Ye Jianming, who was arrested in China and/or disappeared in March 2018.
Another timeline of the Hunter Biden affairs with slightly different material has been collected by Seamus Bruner and John Solomon. They write:
The New York Post broke news last week that Joe Biden himself may have benefited from his son’s dealings. The Post quoted a cryptic message from one of Hunter’s partners, saying that “10 [percent] held by H for the big guy?” The recipient of that message, Tony Bobulinski, says “there is no question” that “H” stands for Hunter and the “big guy” is Joe Biden.
We gain further insight into the operations of Biden Inc. in emails provided to us by Bevan Cooney, a former business associate of Hunter Biden. Cooney, who is currently in prison for his role in the Indian Bond Scheme that is sending Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer also to jail, shared 26,000 emails that show what Hunter’s role was in their business ventures. The Biden name was considered “currency” for their foreign business ventures, and was a “direct … pipeline” to the Obama-Biden administration. Deals involving Hunter benefited from the “Biden lift,” the help that the name would provide in overseas dealings.
What might the Bidens’ foreign benefactors have expected in return for all this largesse? We can’t say. But some may see a correlation between that foreign money and Joe Biden’s policy posture toward the sources of that money.
Stephen McIntyre has promised to update his timeline with the material revealed by the other authors. As McIntyre is always diligent in his work his timeline can be taken as an authoritative source.
While I am still digging through the above collections here my first thoughts on why these matter.
The facts show that Hunter Biden and other traded on and profited from Joe Biden's position by selling his 'influence' to foreign companies. It is likely that Joe Biden at least indirectly also profited from that work.
The evidence is not rumored Russiagate material like the shoddy Steele dossier but real stuff which has legal consequences:
A federal judge named Joe Biden as a possible “witness” along with his son Hunter in a criminal fraud case last year that ended in the convictions of two of Hunter’s business partners, according to little-noticed court documents. The Democratic presidential candidate’s appearance on a witness list casts new doubt on his claims he knew nothing about his son’s shady business dealings.
As revenge for Russiagate the Republicans will use the affair to their utmost advantage.
There are only two ways for Joe Biden to prevent Republicans and independent media from further digging into the affair and all the potentially illegal issues it reveals.
- If Joe Biden loses the election the scandal will likely vanish as soon as he retreats from the public view.
- If Joe Biden wins the election the scandal will fester until he resigns.
The second case is especially interesting. Vice President candidate Kamala Harris has been groomed by Hillary Clinton's inner circle since 2017:
The Democrats’ “Great Freshman Hope,” Sen. Kamala Harris, is heading to the Hamptons to meet with Hillary Clinton’s biggest backers.The California senator is being fêted in Bridgehampton on Saturday at the home of MWWPR guru Michael Kempner, a staunch Clinton supporter who was one of her national-finance co-chairs and a led fund-raiser for her 2008 bid for the presidency. He was also listed as one of the top “bundlers” for Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, having raised $3 million.
Clinton's recent Foreign Affairs piece, A National Security Reckoning - How Washington Should Think About Power, must be seen as a job application for a high position in a Harris (Biden) administration. Removing Joe Biden soon after he has won may well be in Clinton's interest.
Should the somewhat demented Joe Biden leave 'for health reasons' soon after he has been sworn into office Kamala Harris would become President. She then could use the 25th Amendment to select Hillary Clinton as the new Vice President.
If, after a Biden win in the election, Hillary Clinton supporters in the liberul media stop censoring the Hunter Biden affair or even start to further expose it we can be sure that such a scheme is on the verge of being implemented.
Posted by b on November 2, 2020 at 19:07 UTC | Permalink
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