Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Biden Wins, Results Disputed, Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall

 The venerable 230-year-old Constitution and Electoral College of the United States have performed their once-every-four-years miracle yet again: They have produced the worst outcome of all possible worlds.

As I write this, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is teetering on the brink of winning the 2020 U.S. presidential election with clear majorities in both the Electoral College and the popular vote – as I predicted would be the case.

However, for the third time in a mere 20 years, that outcome was reached in such a convoluted, contentious and highly dubious way that it will leave the American people more divided than ever. When Biden takes the Oath of Office in January, nearly half the political nation will regard him as an illegitimate ruler.

This is karmic payback for the corrupt and hate-crazed Democrats in the most extraordinary way. As the great 18th century English poet and visionary William Blake liked to say, there is a “fearful symmetry” to it.

For four years, the Democrats repeated claimed that Hillary Clinton was “robbed” of her supposedly rightful victory in the 2016 election, The most paranoid, crazed and ridiculous accusations were thrown against the government of Russia and many of its most prominent officials and citizens alleging bizarre manipulations of the American political system that never occurred.

By contrast, this time, the ground has already been laid and documentation well established for- at the very least – serious doubts about the convenience of a massive mail-in process which in one major industrial state after another miraculously delivered convenient, just-enough and just-in-time margins of victory to Biden and the Democrats.

President Donald Trump is not the kind of man to take this kind of thing lying down. He has already launched a legal counterattack seeking to expose malfeasance in those key battleground states. But it is an uphill struggle and the odds are tilted enormously against him.

First the U.S. media, still in its Trump Derangement Syndrome default mode is unanimously deployed against the President.

Second, the Deep State that has endlessly plotted and schemed – with exceptional private malice, public cowardice and general incompetence – to undermine the president and his efforts to restore sane relations with Russia – is eager to finally rid itself of the troublesome real estate mogul and reality show superstar from the Queens’ Borough of New York.

Finally, the Supreme Court of the United States – on which the President sought for so long to establish a conservative majority that could the hold the line as his back up fortress – increasingly looks instead like the Maginot Line which in May 1940 pathetically failed to slow for a second the Nazi invasion of Ffrance. The German Wehrmacht simply invaded around it.

Similarly, the Supreme Court is already running scared. It will be dragged into hearing cases dealing with the election with the greatest reluctance. It will be terrified of overturning rulings reached by liberal-dominated lower federal courts.

Biden has already announced that he intends to set up a commission to “reform” the court. In practice, this means expanding the current nine member court by at least four and possibly six additional justices to ensure the current six to three conservative majority is transformed immediately into a clear liberal/Democratic majority that will uphold the right to abortion-on-demand across the United States..

This court expansion is likely to go through regardless. But whether it does or not, Chief Justice John Roberts – an appointment of the consistently stupid and inept President George W. Bush – has already made clear he has no taste to be in the eye of the storm. That happened 20 years ago when a single vote the Supreme Court made Bush Jr.. not Democratic candidate Al Gore, President of the United States in 2001 by halting the recount of votes in the state of Florida.

The ridiculous, antiquated and creaking workings of the Electoral College are supposed to make narrow majorities in the popular vote state by state look more impressive than they really are.

However, almost all Americans like to forget that their revered Founding Fathers almost all despised and distrusted democracy. Male universal suffrage was only established in the United States 40 years later by Andrew Jackson in 1828. And even then, women, African-Americans, Native Americans and dispossessed Mexicans for generations could not apply.

Instead, we see here a case where even though Biden won a clear majority of voters across the nation in absolute terms – and will enjoy an impressive majority in the Electoral College – the state by state chaotic and often downright suspicious ways those votes were counted will enrage all supporters of Donald Trump – which means a clear majority of the key agricultural and industrial workers in the country who have benefited the most from his patriotic, populist and protectionist policies.

The implications of this are very grave. Democrats over the past four years have enraged Republicans and Heartland patriots by ignoring federal laws whenever they felt like it. So-called sanctuary cities gave protection to many thousands of law-breaking illegal aliens, including countless members of the notorious MS-13 gang, one of the most vicious and dangerous criminal organizations on the planet.(Although predominantly Nicaraguan in ethnic content, it has been primarily based in Los Angeles, California).

Now it’s going to be payback time, Baby! The bonds of federal and national unity have been strained close to breaking point already. The widely feared and warned-against breakdown of civic order is not yet inevitable and irreversible, but it is vastly closer than it was only a week ago.

After seeing liberal mayors and governors passively and even complacently allow the breakdown of law and order in their cities and states when it undermined Trump, enraged conservatives – convinced that the election was stolen from them, will not hesitate to take far more direct – and more violent- measures against the incoming Biden administration. It will indeed be payback time, Baby. William Blake’s “fearful symmetry” at work again.

Russia and China – and for that matter Iran – have had nothing to do with any of these catastrophic developments whatsoever. But the Democrats are now so marinated in their beloved mad paranoid fantasies that none of this will make any difference.

On the contrary, the very lack of any real evidence with which to accuse Russia will be taken as “proof’ of the Russian government’s “guilt.”

“The cunning rogues covered their tracks so well!” the 17 main U.S. intelligence organizations will solemnly concur.

Biden’s entanglement in the messy affairs of Ukraine through his hapless son Hunter is bad enough. But it is only the tip of the iceberg. The worse things get in America and the more U.S. society splits apart in raving hatreds already openly expressed, the more the beleaguered Deep State and corrupt, lazy and plain useless media establishment will lash out wildly. They will scream and accuse with a hysteria, cowardice and rage that will make Richard Nixon and Senator Joe McCarthy look like Pericles.

The Prophet Bob Dylan got it right again.

A hard rain’s gonna fall.



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