Monday, 7 September 2020

US State Department reveals next target in scathing tweet… it’s the International Cricket Council?

6 Sep, 2020 17:12

US State Department reveals next target in scathing tweet… it’s the International Cricket Council?
The US State Department has gone after all sorts of entities over the years – sovereign nations, democratically elected governments, you name it. But its latest target has come from way out of left field.
The department responsible for US foreign policy announced in a tweet that the International Cricket Council was in its bad books. In a message quoting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the department blasted the cricket governing body as “a rogue court with lawyers that are, frankly, corrupt and political.”
Hmm… that doesn’t quite add up. It turns out the hot-shots over at the State Department couldn’t even figure out the right Twitter account for the International Criminal Court, which was the true target of Pompeo’s venom.
Naturally, Twitter users quickly leapt on the error and poked fun at the glaring incompetence on display.
“Until this very moment, I was completely in the dark about the corruption surrounding the International Cricket Council. The international governing body of cricket must face justice. God, Pompeo is so very brave,” one popular message read.
The top brass over at the cricket council were also quaking in their blazers as Steve Richardson, who heads the body’s anti-corruption unit, tweeted that he would contact their legal team. In cricket parlance, a sticky wicket.
Many seasoned cricket fans quipped that the State Department was correct in its analysis of the game’s governing body.
After countless people pointed out the error, the state department deleted the unintentionally hilarious tweet and posted a corrected version. But naturally, numerous screenshots of the message have been posted to Twitter, so the unintentional comedy has been saved for posterity.


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