Monday, 25 November 2019

Nothing ‘crazy’ about bombing Iraq to ‘smithereens’? Blair taken to task on social media over ‘state of British politics’ remarks

Nothing ‘crazy’ about bombing Iraq to ‘smithereens’? Blair taken to task on social media over ‘state of British politics’ remarks
Former British PM Tony Blair has been slammed online and reminded of his destructive intervention in Iraq that left the country in chaos, after claiming Britain now leads the pack when it comes to ‘crazy’ world politics.
In a speech hosted by Reuters in London on Monday, Blair insisted that “populism” had taken a hold of both the right wing Conservatives and Jeremy Corbyn’s socialist Labour party, asserting that British politics was both crazy and chaotic.
There is often a conversation about whose politics is crazier [in the world]. I agree that right now the competition is fierce. But I still believe British politics is unfortunately ahead of the pack.
Blair, who governed Britain between 1997 and 2007, overseeing highly damaging wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, claims the public are cautious of both the Conservatives and Labour due to them “peddling two sets of fantasies” with their manifestos.
The former Labour prime minister has been widely ridiculed on Twitter, with many accusing him of conveniently erasing his own history when it comes to “fantastic” and “chaos,” particularly with regards to the Iraq war in 2003.
British-Iraqi writer Amrou Alkadhi asked: There was nothing 'crazy' about bombing my homeland of Iraq to smithereens and killing millions of civilians in the process?” While another person took issue with Blair’s claims over the Tories’ and Labour’s ‘fantasy manifestos,’ insisting“neither are as fantastical as the claims of WMD in Iraq.”
Others online suggested Blair was being hypocritical when it comes to his claims about the damaging nature of the populist agendas of PM Boris Johnson’ Tory party and Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour.
Tony Blair still won't admit he was a populist. A populist who lied, cheated, introduced privatization of the NHS and took us into an illegal war.
The controversial former PM now runs his Tony Blair Institute for Global Change organization, with the ambition of making globalization work for the majority of people. The UK is currently in the midst of a general election campaign, with Brits set to go to the polls on December 12.
ALSO ON RT.COMTony Blair and the Blairites: The neoliberal tribute band who still have the Labour Party dancing to their tune 


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