Saturday, 12 October 2019

Tulsi Gabbard: “The DNC and Corporate Media Are Rigging the Election Again”

By Rep Tulsi Gabbard and Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Introductory note
Tulsi Gabbard has identified the nature of the electoral fraud committed by the Democratic National Committee in the 2016 primaries.
The 2016 Democratic Primary election was rigged by the DNC and their partners in the corporate media against Bernie Sanders.
In this 2020 election, the DNC and corporate media are rigging the election again, but this time against the American people in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada. ( See video and transcript below)
DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton conspired in 2015-16 with a view to undermining Bernie Sanders candidacy in the primaries in favor of Clinton.
There is ample evidence of rigging in 2016. Ironically this was confirmed by The Democratic Party’s DNC chair Donna Brazile who took over upon the resignation of  Wasserman Schultz:
I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested. I’d had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so earlier, based on the leaked emails. (Donna Brazile, Politico, November 2, 2017, emphasis added)
These fraudulent actions including the rigging of the primaries conducted by the DNC of the Democratic Party were instrumental  in triggering Bernie Sanders loosing the primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton.
If he had won the Democratic Party nomination, would he have won the November 8, 2016 presidential elections against Donald Trump?
Without the DNC riggings of the nomination  process, Bernie Sanders could have become President of the United States.
Déjà Vu: What will be the outcome of the 2019-2020 primaries?
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, October 11, 2019
I am giving serious consideration to boycotting the next debate and I want to tell you why:

There are so many of you who I’ve met in Iowa and New Hampshire who have expressed to me how frustrated you are that the DNC and corporate media are essentially trying to usurp your role as voters in choosing who our Democratic nominee will be.
I share your concerns, and I’m sure that all our supporters throughout the country do as well.
The 2016 Democratic Primary election was rigged by the DNC and their partners in the corporate media against Bernie Sanders.
In this 2020 election, the DNC and corporate media are rigging the election again, but this time against the American people in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.
They are attempting to replace the roles of voters in the early states, using polling and other arbitrary methods which are not transparent or democratic, and holding so-called debates which are not debates at all but rather commercialized reality television meant to entertain, not inform or enlighten
In short, the DNC and corporate media are trying to hijack the entire election process.
In order to bring attention to this serious threat to our democracy, and ensure your voice is heard, I am giving serious consideration to boycotting the next debate on October 15th. I will announce my decision within the next few days.
With my deepest, and warmest aloha, thank you all again for your support.


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