Saturday, 14 September 2019

Trump: Iran Wants to Talk, Summit Could Happen at UN General Assembly

Rouhani's aides see Bolton's ouster as suggesting US policy change 

Jason Ditz 

After months of saying he wants talks with Iran, President Trump said on Friday that he believes Iran’s leadership wants to have talks, and that he is trying to get them together for the UN General Assembly.

That may be overly optimistic, as Iran has long taken the same position, that talks are only possible if the US eases sanctions or returns to the P5+1 nuclear deal. Since it’s long been assumed that won’t happen, they’ve said the talks wouldn’t either.

Trump’s suggestion of a change may be based on hopeful statements from one of President Rouhani’s aides, who thought the firing of John Bolton this week meant the end of US “maximum pressure” strategy.

Bolton was seen as a major opponent of talks with Iran, and there has been a lot of speculation Trump might make some concessions to get talks going now with him out of the way. That said, Trump has yet to announce any such proposal, nor has the administration confirmed any change in US hostility toward Iran.


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