Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Trump: US Not Seeking Regime Change in Iran

Esper urges a return to 'diplomatic channel' with Iran

Jason Ditz 

Speaking during a cabinet meeting, President Trump once again reiterated that the US is not in any way seeking regime change in Iran, but rather that his entire goal is “they can’t have a nuclear weapon.
Trump further claimed a lot of progress, as well he might, since Iran wasn’t seeking a nuclear weapon int he first place, and has repeatedly said as much in recent days. If indeed that’s the only US goal, it effectively has already been achieved. 

Of course, US officials are still pushing the need for talks with Iran, and Acting Defense Secretary Mark Esper urged the US to get “back on the diplomatic channel” with Iran. That’s a recurring refrain from officials, even if it’s not clear what they’ll accept from Iran after the repeated assurances not to get a nuclear weapon didn’t placate US hawks. 
Even where officials see progress they are not very specific on what that means, or what progress would look like. Iranian officials are also increasingly vague on what’s going on, some suggesting talks are possible as others deny it. 


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