Friday, 12 July 2019

Socom Chief: Russia, China, and Iran Are Primary Obstacles to Venezuela Regime Change

Faults Iran for allowing direct flights from Tehran to Caracas

Testifying to the Senate Armed Services Committee this week, Southern Command chief Admiral Craig Faller sought to blame a series of international rivals for the US failure to impose regime change in Venezuela.

Admiral Faller singled out Russia, China, and Iran as the “primary international obstacles to Washington’s interests.” He added all three were blocking the US attempts to isolate Venezuela globally. 

Faller accused Russia of “protecting their loyal friend,” accused China of saddling the Venezelan people with more than $60 billion in debt. Iran seemingly was included just for the sake of making the issue sort of about Iran, and he complained Iran allows “direct flight from Tehran to Caracas.”

He said that retaining ties with the Venezuelan government was “profoundly unhealthy to democracy and regional stability, and counter to US interests.” He further advocated a bigger US military presence in the area to counter Venezuela’s continued existence.


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