Sunday, 19 May 2019

Trump: the Boy Who Cried Iran

Tim Kirby  
May 19, 2019

Although the Mainstream Media completely ignores this fact, most of us alive today have spent the majority of our lives under the ever-recurring threat of wars between the US and certain countries. Although Russia is a good contender for the #1 spot in the bad guy list, it got a large break from the attention of Washington’s warmongers during the post Cold War triumphant Bush-Clinton-Bush period. Iran and North Korea on the other hand are like old episodes from some pathetic cookie cutter sitcom that just keep getting rerun every once in a while because there is nothing else better to show, and they get good enough ratings.
And now it is Iran’s turn to be dusted off, blown upon like a Nintendo cartridge and shoved back into the player. so again we have a problem that is threatening enough to justify policies X, Y, and Z but not threatening enough to actually do anything about it.
The media recently reported that Trump is definitely planning to send 120,000 troops to the Middle-East in order to deal with Iran thanks to the evil whispers coming from beneath Bolton’s moustache. However now the reports are saying that Trump is actually not seriously planning to do anything involving a massive movement of US troops. Trump just apparently wants us to know that he “absolutely” would do something like that, but in reality there is no formal plan to do so. This number of 120,000 is rather odd as well, since it is vastly less than the numbers needed to invade and hold a militarily pathetic Iraq. This would not the first time that Bolton has made threats of moving troops in numbers vastly too small to hold a given territory if he is the one who came up with that number.
Sadly the pathetic Mainstream Media reports to us the words of politicians, especially those of Trump, as if they were naive children. They present everything that those in power say as being what they mean and that no one ever says things publicly because they feel they have to.
If you haven’t noticed, Trump has been under heavy fire from the media since even before getting into office. Although it is hard to measure in concrete terms how much hatred Trump gets from the Mainstream Media he has definitely had a much rockier ride than any other recent US President. This means that in order for him to keep his position, so that he can at least attempt to “Make America Great Again”, he has to occasionally do and say the things that the status quo wants him to.
Chatting, using the proper rhetoric with the likes of Bolton who love war but were too cowardly to serve in Vietnam (which he advocated for) wins big brownie points in the hawk camp. Additionally, saying anything bad about Iran or even just promising to keep an eye on that nation makes the pro-Israel camp glow with glee. As a Republican candidate Trump was and is right to always be nice to Israel, the only country the right wingers love more than America.
If Trump were to put his foot down and go back to being candidate Trump (i.e. not making vague threats and acting hawkish) then attacks on him as some sort of traitor or being bad on defense would be justifiable and his time in office would be even more hellish and inefficient. If Trump has to threaten to kill Iranians to keep power in order to push for the objectives that he actually believes in then God will forgive him… however if he actually were to attack Iran, God may change His mind. Moreover, attacking Iran would almost certainly result in the end of Trump’s Presidency entirely.
If you think Trump is under pressure from opponents now, just wait till he actually starts sending 120,000 youth men to go fight and/or die in Iran, especially since defeating Iran and its navy may not be so simple. This move would allow the Orange Man’s enemies to create a Vietnam War protest atmosphere throughout the country. If Trump actually started a long term serious conflict he would essentially be fueling the fire of a color revolution against himself. The usual whacky and absurd Progressives, SJWs and angry Antifa would be joined by many other factions/viewpoints from within American society. Since the media is against Trump this would be their opportunity to get that oh-so-juicy impeachment (or worse) into motion crippling him as President.
Trump as it stands today really hasn’t done anything nearly as horrific to people outside the US than many of his predecessors. He signed off on a mostly ineffective missile strike on Syria, supports the violent Saudis, makes lots of threats (then retracts them) and uses economic pressure against Venezuela and Russia. So far the Trump resume is not one of murderous interventionist but of a man who is forced to go along with the status quo doing the bare minimum that he needs to “not get fired”. It is very unfortunate that only political analysts seem to understand this. The perception of Trump from the American left as some sort of Hitler is unfounded, but if Trump actually does try to invade “Poland” then he is done as President.
Sadly, all of us have to play ball in a corrupt system in order to survive long enough to actually do any good and this includes the President of the United States. Despite what Progressive SJW bloggers say, words are not violence and Trump should keep being a big warhawk sounding blowhard bashing Iran, North Korea or some other enemy du jour in order to stay in power and “MAGA” all day long. The only way you can win the game is to stay in it, and staying in it requires playing by the rules.
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.


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