Friday, 26 April 2019

Will the Senior-Level FBI Agents, Who Placed Spies in the Trump Campaign, Ever be Held Accountable?

Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign?

Did the FBI place spies in the Trump campaign?

Do we know the names of the spies and how they operated?

Were the spies trying to entrap Trump campaign assistants in order to gather information on Trump?

Did the spies try to elicit information from Trump campaign assistants in order to justify a wider investigation and more extensive surveillance?

Were the spies placed in the Trump campaign based on improperly obtained FISA warrants?

Did the FBI agents procure these warrants based on false or misleading information?

Could the FBI establish “probable cause” that Trump had committed a crime or “colluded” with Russia?

So the ‘spying’ was illegal?

Have many of the people who authorized the spying, already been identified in criminal referrals presented to the Department of Justice?

Have the media explained the importance of these criminal referrals or the impact that spying has on free elections?

Is the DOJ’s Inspector General currently investigating whether senior-level agents in the FBI committed crimes by improperly obtaining warrants to spy on members of the Trump team?

Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign to give Hillary Clinton an unfair advantage in the presidential race?

Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign to gather incriminating information on Trump that could be used to blackmail, intimidate or impeach him in the future?

Does spying pose a threat to our elections and to our democracy?

Do many people know that there were spies placed in the Trump campaign?

Have these people effectively used that information to their advantage?

Have they launched any type of public relations offensive that would draw more attention to the critical issue of spying on a political campaign?

Have they saturated the airwaves with the truth about “spying” the same way their rivals have spread their disinformation about “collusion”?

Do they understand that the country is currently embroiled in a fratricidal, scorched earth political civil war in which one side is determined to prevail at all cost?

Do they understand that the people who authorized the spying and who perpetrated the coup will do everything in their power to prevent that information from getting out?

Does it look like senior-level agents at the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, the NSA and the Obama White House knew that there were spies in the Trump campaign?

Did these same senior-level agents at the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, the NSA and the Obama White House cooperate in a plan to undermine and delegitimize the Trump presidency?

Did they use false or misleading information to infer the president was an agent of a foreign power?

Did they know this false and misleading information was unreliable, unverified raw intelligence that was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton?

Was there a conspiracy to remove Trump from office or to sabotage his presidency through the dissemination of false information?

Does the use of spies, wiretapping, “unmasking”, strategically-leaked information to the media, and other forms of electronic surveillance suggest that there are organized elements within the permanent bureaucracy which no longer accept the democratic process?

Is it fair to say that these people are the enemies of free elections?

Is it possible for patriotic officials in the Justice Department and in the U.S. Congress to stand up to this powerful deep state apparatus, expose what happened during the 2016 presidential campaign, identify the perpetrators, and bring them to justice?
It is possible, but not likely.


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