Monday, 1 April 2019

Venezuela is ‘most open US coup’, pundit tells RT as WSJ talks ‘getting Russia out of Caracas’

Venezuela is ‘most open US coup’, pundit tells RT as WSJ talks ‘getting Russia out of Caracas’
A short but emotive editorial piece by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said President Donald Trump should not let himself be humiliated in our own hemisphere by Vladimir Putin. The neocon paper was at their finest when they claimed Putin has built “a career of intervening abroad and seeing if the world lets him get away with it,” including in Georgia, Ukraine, and Syria.
This didn’t play well with some American pundits who offered a dissenting opinion. Georgia, where the US was encouraging the pro-Western government to start a war, and Ukraine, which saw the American-backed coup, were “Russian reaction to US action,” Daniel McAdams, Executive Director at Ron Paul Institute, told RT.
Moscow has reacted “when a US action has caused a Russian ally to come under some stress,” McAdams offered, adding, “the same is true in Syria.”
The US wants to overthrow Maduro, this is the most open coup in history, probably.
And on his part, the beleaguered Venezuelan president has asked for outside support which is natural with any government ally.
Why can’t a sovereign Venezuela ask assistance from its ally, why is sovereignty a one-way street when it comes to Washington?
Like many US mainstream media, the WSJ quoted Trump’s outburst in which he said that Russia must get out of Venezuela. In their view, the diatribe sounded “like an invocation of the Monroe Doctrine.” The doctrine allowed Washington to treat Latin America and the Caribbean as its “backyard,” invading an array of countries and supporting coups against unfriendly governments across the region.
Under the doctrine, the European powers should not seek new colonies in the Western hemisphere, but in exchange for that, “the United States pledged to not get involved in internal affairs of European countries, McAdams explained.
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“We’re certainly not upholding – if we want to talk the Monroe doctrine – we’re the ones violating it, and we’ve violated it ... in Ukraine and elsewhere where the US has been involved in coups in Europe, he argued.
Washington survives on having an enemy. If there were no enemies, probably 80 percent of Washington would be out of work.
Washington is currently trying to oust Maduro, the elected leader of Venezuela, replacing him with Juan Guaido, a person more to its liking. A host of high-ranked US officials inadvertently floated military action against the Venezuelan government, but to no avail so far.


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