Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Trump: Great Strides Made in ‘Ridiculous’ Afghan War

Praises NATO's promised spending hikes

Jason Ditz 

Whenever President Trump is dealing with NATO issues, there is always the question of whether Trump is going to praise NATO as the greatest thing since sliced bread, mock them as a relic of the past, or somehow manage to do both at once. 

Meeting NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday, Trump played up the pledges for increased military spending, while pushing for even more. He also cheered the “great strides” made in Afghanistan militarily by NATO, while terming the war ‘ridiculous.’

Trump is well known to be weary of the Afghan War, and hopeful of making a negotiated deal with the Taliban to withdraw from the nation. It’s a good thing this was known beforehand, as he did not elaborate beyond calling the war “unfortunate” and “ridiculous.”

Stoltenberg praised Trump for his “strong leadership,” while saying that some nations could disagree on the exact direction of the alliance. The two also declared their unity on withdrawing the US from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.


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