Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Democrats ‘caught red-handed lying’ on Trump-Russia, but ‘march on’ – Ron Paul on Mueller report

With Republicans blocking Democrat calls to release Robert Mueller’s full report, former Congressman Ron Paul told RT that the Democratic party needs to own up to peddling the ‘Russian collusion’ lie and move on.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report cleared Trump of colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election and found insufficient evidence to accuse him of obstructing almost two-year probe. In the days since the report’s release, top Democrats have called for the public release of the full report, and for the underlying evidence, which Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) said “may be even more important to the truth than the report itself”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) blocked a measure by Schumer to release the report on Monday, arguing that the Justice Department needs more time to work out what can and cannot be released. Attorney General William Barr stated that he will release as much of the report as possible, “consistent with applicable law, regulations, and Departmental policies.”
“[Democrats have] been caught red-handed, lying through their teeth, and now they’re just going on and on,” Paul told RT. “You think that they would just have a little bit of common sense..but they just march on. They’ve been lying for two and a half years and they’re going to continue to lie.”
The Russia probe, to many, was predicated on a lie. A dossier of salacious and unverified claims was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele at the behest of the Hillary Clinton campaign. That same dossier allegedly informed former FBI chief James Comey’s decision to get the ball rolling on the precursor to the Mueller investigation and to authorize the wiretapping of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
If anybody needed exposure it was the Clinton campaign,” Paul said. “They were the ones that were involved, along with [President Barack] Obama, of getting the crooked people at the FBI and Justice Department, and cooking up a scheme to get that special warrant to spy on Trump, now there’s a crime!”
Clinton’s “crookedness,” Paul said, is “not going to stay quiet. Someone’s eventually going to open up the whole thing. There’s a lot of corruption there that deserves exposure.”
ALSO ON RT.COM‘We’re not investigators’: CNN chief ridiculed over defending coverage of Mueller probe
As for collusion, Paul sees the combined efforts of the Democratic party, so-called ‘Never Trump’ Republicans, Neoconservatives in both parties, and a complicit media to unseat Trump as the real conspiracy.
“What drives all this is just plain old hatred,” the former Texas Congressman continued. “They all got together and decided ‘this guy’s a monster, we have to get rid of him, whether it’s true or not.”
Throughout Mueller’s investigation, the mainstream media breathlessly reported every twist and turn in the probe. Rumor was reported verbatim, opinion was presented as fact, and an endless parade of former intelligence operatives appeared on cable news panels to predict the downfall of the Trump administration. Half a million articles on Trump, Mueller, and Russia were written, and thousands of hours of television broadcast.
The mainstream media, Paul said, “were participating in the lie” and are unlikely to come clean any time soon. Still, he continued, “They will suffer the consequences and they already have. The lying should be revealed and...if nothing else, just exposed.”
“People are realizing that the government is not trustworthy,” the libertarian former lawmaker concluded. “And I think that’s healthy.”


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