Saturday, 12 January 2019

UK goes yellow: British left & right don iconic vests to vent anger over Tories, Brexit & migrants

UK goes yellow: British left & right don iconic vests to vent anger over Tories, Brexit & migrants
The Brits seem to have fallen in love with the French Yellow Vest fashion, but unlike in France where many protesters lean left, the iconic symbol has been claimed by both sides of the UK debate.
The Yellow Vests ceased to be a uniquely French phenomenon after British protesters started donning the distinctive high-visibility jackets to make their own (very different) points. In the UK, an array of left-wing movements vowed to use the yellow vest during their protests in favor of bringing down the Tory government and abandoning austerity. RT’s Polly Boiko explains. But this is where the similarities between the French and British fashions end.
Right-wing activists, some of whom belong to hardcore far-right groups like the English Defence League, are also trying to capitalize on the iconic vests. They vent their anger at the Brexit deal stalemate, heckle politicians, and harass Muslim believers both online and offline. Such groups “who are trying to use anger and mobilize it against refugees and migrants and ethnic minorities are not welcomed in our demonstrations,” said Shabbir Lakha, spokesman for the anti-austerity People’s Assembly.
Watch more on this below.


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