Pence Accuses China of Meddling in US Elections Despite Lack of Evidence
Jason Ditz
Adding to a flurry of allegations surrounding mounting tensions between the US and China, Vice President Mike Pence claimed on Friday that Russian interference in the 2016 vote “pales in comparison” with the Chinese meddling in the upcoming mid-term vote.
This follows claims by President Trump that China is interfering on behalf of the Democrats, and Pence’s elaboration, during which he argued that China wants Trump replaced, came with no evidence supporting these claims
Indeed, Trump Administration Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said that while China has the “capability” to influence US elections, that there is “no indication” of any attempt to disrupt the US election infrastructure.
Trump argued Chinese meddling must be happening “because I am the first president to ever challenge China on trade.” Pence didn’t offer anything more concrete than that, but railed at China’s “malign efforts” to undermine Trump.
The trade war is heavily driving US-China tensions, and the Trump Administration has blamed China several times things haven’t gone their way in recent months, including slowing progress with North Korea. There was no evidence for any of it offered, but the assumption seems to be that China would do something in retaliation.
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