Tuesday, 18 September 2018

US Air Force Pushes for Massive Increase in Spending

Secretary cites recent Russian wargames as proof more is needed

Jason Ditz 

Despite the US spending vastly more than any other nation on its military, officials are constantly talking up the need to “keep up” with Russia and China, a process which invariably involves preposterous increases in spending to reach arbitrary goals designed only to justify continued growth.

Today, the US Air Force is taking their turn, with Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson arguing that the Air Force is “too small for what the nation is asking us to do,” and is pushing for an increase that she estimated would involve a 24% increase in personnel. and squadrons.

This current year, the US Air Force budget will be $156.3 billion, which is considerably more than either China or Russia spends on their entire military

Wilson cited “classified” analysis of future military threats as the main justification, but also cited major Russian wargames ongoing in Asia. These wargames are almost exclusively involving ground troops, not warplanes.

Arguing that the real analysis justifying the increase is classified is tantamount to admitting that no such analysis exists. There simply are no rival air forces anywhere near the scale of the US Air Force, and the “threat” is largely illusory, invented to try to steer more money to the Air Force.



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