Wednesday 5 September 2018

UN Sees Upcoming Talks as ‘Moment of Truth’ for Syria’s Political Process

Two separate rounds of talks planned for the next week

Jason Ditz 

UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura says that this period is a “moment of truth” for Syria’s post-war political process, as a pair of major conferences on the future of Syria are being planned in the next week.

That these are two wholly separate sets of talks underscores how complicated this is going to be. 

One set of talks is to involve Russia, Turkey, and Iran, while the other talks will involve the US and Saudi Arabia.

In both cases, the goal is a committee to lead to constitutional reform in Syria. 

It’s a foregone conclusion these two sets of nations will have very different ideas on where this should go, with the US having long insisted major figures in the current government be barred from running for office in the future.

Mistura says his primary concern is that the current round of talks don’t boil down to talks about the process instead of actual process. That’s a tall order, given how split both sides are on where Syria is going after the war.


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