Friday 20 July 2018

‘US wants very much to have strong Russia’: Trump tweets old Clinton interview with Russian TV

‘US wants very much to have strong Russia’: Trump tweets old Clinton interview with Russian TV
As he faces a backlash over the Helsinki summit at home, US President Donald Trump has apparently decided to remind Americans about what Hillary Clinton said about Russia before she emerged as a self-styled Moscow basher.
“Will the Dems and Fake News ever learn?” Trump wrote in a Tweet that features a fragment of an interview that Clinton actually had with a Russian TV host and French-born Russian-American journalist Vladimir Pozner back in 2010. “This is classic!” the president added, apparently referring to the video.
The video shows Clinton telling Pozner that the US actually “wants very much to have a strong Russia” in a sudden outburst of love towards the country she now blames for literally almost everything. The failed presidential candidate, who was then a secretary of state under Barack Obama then goes on to admit that “a strong, competent, prosperous and stable Russia” is actually “in the interests of the world.”
Trump has been facing massive criticism for allegedly being ‘too friendly’ in his meeting with the Russian president, especially from Democrats, who were accusing him of “treason.”
The US president and his former competitor in the presidential election do occasionally exchange punches. Notably, Clinton attempted to troll Trump right ahead of his summit with Putin. At that time, she sarcastically asked him if he knows “which team” he “plays for.” Her rhetorical exercises, however, eventually only landed her in hot water, as people on Twitter saw them as yet another sign of her inability to cope with the shock loss at the ballot box in 2016.


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