Trump’s “Shit” Remark has Put the US in a Hole
It seems that various politicians across the globe are growing equally tired of a long list of Trump’s phobias that manifest themselves in both his speeches and his Tweets, just like regular citizens of most countries of this world. It all went that far that thousands of occult believers and “witches” from all across the globe started trying to “cast” a binding spell every month in order to somehow protect themselves from Trump’s policies. Vicky Adams, a woman that describes herself as a witch that hosts an occult shop in Hollywood has invented the spell herself and now selling ingredients that should allow occult believers to protect the world from the evil that Donald Trump can inflict on this world through his actions.
However, the above mentioned binding spell must have had little to no effect on Trump, as he has provoked yet another international scandal by notifying the Congress that Washington doesn’t want to receive migrants from “shithole countries”. According to the sitting Republican president, the Republic of Haiti along with a long list of African countries all fit such a peculiar description. Instead, Trump would like to see immigrants from countries such states as Norway. According to the Politico, Trump refused to apologize for his remark, adding that that he was defending the interests of his people.
It’s somewhat gratifying that a great many of American media sources ridiculed Trump for “shithole” remark. For instance, the cover of the next issue of The New Yorker will be devoted to the peculiar way in which Donald Trump expresses himself. The layout of the cover, that depicts a black hole in the ground out of which a man wearing Trump’s haircut is poking his head, was published on social media by one of New Yorker’s employees. The drawing is called “In The Hole”.
Last December, a number of American media sources would report Trump making insulting comments about migrants from Afghanistan, Haiti and Nigeria. On top of all, he has repeatedly humiliated Mexicans throughout last year in his Twitter.
It goes without saying that a number of developing countries in Africa, Asia and even Latin America rely on America’s assistance, so Trump’s remarks have put them in a rather awkward position, as they found themselves unable to criticize a string of Trump’s insulting statements. For instance, South Sudan government spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny noted that if the “shithole” remark was made about South Sudan just as well, he would be in no position to comment the situation.
However, a great many of African Asian and Latin American media sources and youth groups felt that they were less compelled to show similar restraint to such an insult. Even the mouthpiece of American propaganda – the Associated Press was forced to acknowledge that Trump’s remark triggered a massive outrage across the world.
The deputy secretary-general of the African National Congress from South Africa Jessie Duarte has made it clear that no developing country should be described in a similar fashion, especially at the official level. In turn, South Africa’s Daily Maverick would ridicule Trump in one of its articles, noting that from now on casual Fridays at the White House are soon to include hoods and tiki torches at this rate, thus making a clear Ku Klux Klan reference.
However, the Daily Maverick was hardly the only media source to pay attention to the fact that the White House doesn’t feel compelled to hide its openly racist views anymore. Haitian MSM contributor, Yamiche Alcindor would note in her Twitter that:
I just talked to Haiti’s Ambassador to the United States Paul Altidor who said he and the Haitian government “vehemently condemn” President Trump’s comments which they believe are “based on stereotypes.” “Either the president has been misinformed or he is miseducated.”
Similarly, the US Charge D’Affaires in Turkey Philippe Cosnett was summoned twice in less than 24 hours by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to explain the warning issued by the State Department for US citizens to notify them that they should cancel any visits to Turkey due to security reasons.
The Cuban Foreign Ministry condemned Trump’s remark about the “shithole countries”, stressing that it arouses indignation among the entire Cuban people.
Even US Congressman Al Green has promised to try yet again to impeach Trump over his outright insulting remark, while describing the remark itself as an instance of “racist bigotry”. However, it should not be noted that last November Congressmen Stephen Cohen and Luis Gutierrez that represent the Democratic Party introduced five articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, accusing him of him of obstruction of justice and other offenses. However, those gentlemen went even further by condemning Trump’s policies that, in their opinion, create racial tensions and reminded the world that Trump refused to condemn Nazi torch rallies across the US.
It seems that the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights was equally shocked by Trump’s “shithole” remark as it regards them as a clear manifestation of racism. The UN human rights spokesman, Rupert Colville would state that:
If confirmed, these are shocking and shameful comments from the President of the United States. Sorry, but there is no other word one can use but racist. You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘shitholes’, whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome.
Like the earlier comments made vilifying Mexicans and Muslims, the policy proposals targeting entire groups on grounds of nationality or religion, and the reluctance to clearly condemn the anti-Semitic and racist actions of the white supremacists in Charlottesville – all of these go against the universal values the world has been striving so hard to establish since World War II and the Holocaus
The African Union has also expressed its deep concern over Trump’s insulting remark. The Spokesperson in the Chairperson’s Office, African Union Commission, Ebba Kalondo noted that if one is to take into consideration the fact that many Africans were brought to the United States as slaves, this statement defies all accepted norms of conduct.
In a situation when the sitting American president fantasizes about being the ultimate sovereign that reigns over all lands known to men with impunity, does the world have to rely on the witchcraft of Vicki Adams from Hollywood to even hope for salvation? As it seems that no one is willing to demand Washington to comply with the existing international laws and norms anymore.
Grete Mautner is an independent researcher and journalist from Germany, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”
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